Sofi's Hot Teacher pt3

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"So this is our what? Third date" Camila smiled pulling me into the movie theater I chuckled nodding

"Yes it is and it's so cheesy we're at the movie theaters" i got our tickets and went over to the snack line,

"I like it we get to cuddle"

"Uh I'm here too!" Sofia yelled looking up from her phone I chuckled moving up the line,

"We haven't forgotten you Sofi" I chuckled seeing her big smile,

"I'm sorry again I had to bring Sofia on our date" I shook my head holding her hand

"Like I said a hundred times it's okay I don't mind it at all" she smiled about to bring our lips together when we hear 'Next'.

"I hate you two" Camila grumpily added getting in the car,

"Ow Kaki that hurt my feelings, it's not our fault you're so scared of horror movies"

"Plus it wasn't even that scary baby" I added placing my hand on her thigh she rolled her eyes with a smile on her face,

"Can we get ice cream before we head home" Sofia asked leaning forward

"No" Camila said and I answer with a Yes,

"Ha! Ms. Y/l/n is cooler!" I chuckled and pulled out the parking lot

"Teachers pet" Camila mumbled making Sofia and i laugh.

After we got ice cream we decided to walk around the park for a bit Sofia was ahead talking to her friends on the phone well Camila and I walked hand and hand behind her

"Camila" i asked and she hummed eating her ice cream, I guess this is a good time to ask her to be my girlfriend I mean we been hang out for about three weeks and been on three dates so what the heck am I waiting for?

"I wanted to ask you-" she faced me and I started to get a little nervous

"Uh well w-we been on a f-few dates now and I-I-I thought I would ask you if you..Uh wanted to be my girlfriend?" I bit my inner lip waiting for her answer but instead I hear Sofia

"Freaking Finally Geez!" We both laughed and she went back to her friends, I looked back to Camila seeing her beautiful smile

"I was really waiting for that question and my answer is Yes" I let out a sigh smiling

"Great" she giggled being me into her lips with smiles on our faces

"You are so cute when you're nervous" she added pecking my lips once more

"I can't help it I was just asking out a beautiful girl" she blushed hugging me and we continued our walk.

~a week after~
"Well this kinda sucks" I mumbled holding Camila in my arms while we cuddled on my couch, she just told me she was going back to school in three days.

"I know I completely lost track of time until my best friend called me about meeting before class" she mumbled hiding her face in my chest I sighed kissing her head,

"Well I'm just going to enjoy having you for the rest of these three days" she looked up at me with a worried look

"What's wrong?" I asked staring into her big brown eyes

"This isn't going to be a problem right"

"What do you mean baby?" I chuckled what problem

"With me back in school miles away" she mumbled looking away from me, does she think I'm going to break up with her just because she's going back to school? We just got together I am not letting her go that easy.

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