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THE sun had finally decided to show itself, and it was a cold pale white amidst the grey swirling sky. The air was cool when they passed under the thin wires of the fence and into the Seam. Katniss felt that same lingering sense of mourning when she left the woods behind, stepped back into the shoes of Katniss Mellark.

Their hunting boots crunched across the black cinder ground, its repetitive beat the only thing that reminded Will that there really was someone else beside her, that she wasn't alone.

"Do you think the Peacekeepers will notice us bringing back a doe?"

"No." Katniss said shortly, a simplistic word meant to cut her off, silence her. Eyes staring blankly ahead, she took a few more moments to say anything more, "It should be okay."

Will nodded, waited in the lingering silence.

Katniss shook her head, finally finishing with, "They avoid the Seam as much as they can."

"Right." Will had known before she even asked.

Will tried to think of something else to ask, something else to make Katniss speak to her.

She couldn't think of a single thing.

The Mellarks were not exactly considered popular in District 12; they were even almost hated in some cases. Katniss couldn't help but worry that one day someone might decide to take out their anger at her on Rye or Will. She knew Rye could likely fend off an attacker, but she doubted Willow could.

So, with a hand hovering near her back, Katniss made sure to keep Will close when they entered the Seam.

By now Willow knew the way pretty well, so she eagerly took the lead as they cut through alleys and backyards and it was only a matter of minutes before they stopped before one of many the grey squat houses.

Katniss and Willow left the deer at the Hawthorne's back door, knowing they would take what was needed and then share the rest. They could see Hazelle through the open shutters near the kitchen, and even though she waved to the mother and daughter, she didn't come outside.

Something sad flickered in Katniss' eyes when she simply nodded back. Willow gave a shy smile, not very sure of what else to do.

Will knew not all parties were overly thrilled with their hunting arrangement, and keeping a distance between them was best. Or at least, that was what the opposite party believed.

Willow didn't really know Mrs. Hawthorne, but she knew that Katniss respected her. Will supposed that was enough to garner her approval as well. The girl only saw Hazelle when she was passing in town or working around Haymitch's house.

Long before she and Rye were in the picture, Katniss convinced Haymitch to hire Hazelle as a housekeeper. Even with her oldest son working in the mines, the winters in Twelve were hard and Hazelle had to work her fingers to the bone to support her now nearly grown children. And having personally seen how hard Hazelle worked, Will didn't want to imagine what Haymitch's house must have been like before she was around.

Regardless, Willow had come to the conclusion that Hazelle Hawthorne had to be a saint to willingly put up with Haymitch Abernathy's moods.

Will still couldn't think of anything meaningful to say when they walked away. She eventually decided that was for the best as her mother kept her eyes on her boots and her hands buried in her pockets.

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