Chapter 17

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A/N: What an eventful night our couple had :D


'Hana!' Vera exclaimed.

Leon's sister wore a dazzling smile as she held a wriggling bundle in her arms. One tiny arm stuck out from under the blanket.

'Isn't he adorable?' she gushed as she held her baby out to them. 'The two of you haven't met Alexei so when I heard you'd be in Russia, I came down immediately!'

'Your dyadya and tetka are here,' she cooed before handing him over into Leon's arms.

'Hey, Alyosha,' Leon murmured. His arms curved naturally to support the baby and he whispered sweet nothings to the child in his native tongue. One hand patted the baby's bottom as he turned away from them to stroll about the room, his wife and his sister forgotten.

Hana's eyes followed him, amazed at how easily he handled his nephew. Adoration exuded from his manner and she was surprised that he could be so gentle.

'My brother's a baby charmer,' Vera added meaningfully with a bright smile when he was out of earshot.

'Oh?' Hana mumbled lamely.

Then Vera pushed a paper bag into her hands together with a conspiratorial wink.

'This is for you, my dear,' she whispered.

Her eyes widened at the gift. She had seen Leon's sister at their wedding, had chatted with her too. But since when did it warrant a secret gift? She took the gift gratefully and murmured her thanks.

She seemed to want to say more, but Stanislav Federov strode in with Mosay on his trail, and the conversation was steered once more.

'How nice!' he remarked cheerfully as he took his seat at the head of the table. 'The whole family together again. But where's Anton?'

'Stuck in Moscow, Papa,' Vera said, making a face. She took the chair on her father's left. 'Busy with some deal or other. You know, the same old.'

Hana, unsure where to sit, cast Leon a glance for guidance only to find that he was now standing by the window, absorbed in pointing out a butterfly to the baby. Mosay had sat down beside his sister, then nodded at the chair across of him. She hurriedly scrambled into the seat, not before shooting her husband another glance.

As they spoke, a servant she didn't recognise went around the table pouring out tea. She was hopelessly lost in such a setting, but she knew well enough how to act and adapt. She murmured her thanks as her cup was filled, then glanced about the table, wondering if the family added milk to their tea.

Mosay came to her rescue again. He jerked his chin to a stainless steel jug, its sides slippery with condensation. Hana mouthed her thanks, then picked up the heavy jug.

'Can't be helped, then,' her father-in-law said. 'Come, let me hold my grandson.'

He chuckled amicably as Leon gently placed the baby in his father's arms. At that, little Alexei let out a small cry, his large blue eyes opening wide.

'Look at those eyes!' he commented cheerfuly. Then he turned to Leon who had just taken the seat beside him. 'How's yours coming along?'

The jar nearly slipped from her fingers. Hana hurriedly set it back down on its coaster, spilling a drip of milk on the pristine tablecloth in the process.

'Otets!' Leon exclaimed in horror with his face red. 'You can't just talk about stuff like this in front of Mosay!'

His younger brother looked up innocently from his plate with a piece of toast halfway to his mouth.

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