You should of seen him

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Robins POV


My little brother...

I picked him up in my arms as he passed out and I felt tears in my eyes as his small frame and his innocent face twisted in pain with a whimper.

"Batman, let's get out of here, now!" I yelled as I took off my cape with one hand and wrapped it around Danny protectively.

Batman saw Danny in my arms and nodded as he threw a smoke pellet on the ground as more monsters aka agents ran at us but got lost in the smoke.

We ran out of the building and I was first one in the bat mobile.

"Infirmary now!" I told batman seriously.

He stepped on the gas and sped off with gun shots behind us.

"Any information on him?" Batman asked me.

"He's eight years old, he's a meta human, lost his parents when he was four," I told batman cradling Danny with the cape still around him.


"Daniel James Grayson," I told him and he looked at me like he would if he spit up a drink if he had any.

"Is this your brother?" He asked me.

"No this is my aunt, yes it's my baby brother! Bruce look at what they done to him!" I felt something run down my face.

"Is he breathing?" Batman asked me.

"Yes," I checked his pulse but it was weak. I held his head to my chest as I heard his soft breathing.

He whimpered in his sleep as he clutched his chest.

"I think he has broken ribs," I said inspecting his injuries.

"What else?"

"Multiple broken bones, wrist, upper arms is shattered, ankle, his arms was recently dislocated, blood loss, bruising, concussion I think mild or minor, and-" I lifted the white shirt and wanted to through up.

"Bats.." He looked over and his eyes turned soft.

He had a 'Y' cut mark on his abdominal.

"How could they do this to a kid?!" I held Danny tight but not to tight that it hurt him any further than he was now.

We pulled up the batcave.

"Master Bruce how was the mission?" Alfre asked and Bruce took Danny from my arms and rushed him to the infirmary.

"Dick, I'll call you when I'm done, I don't want you here for this," he laid Danny down gently. I wanted to protest but I knew he was right. I walked to the zeta tube and took one last look at my little brothers direction.

"Please stay with us little Phantom." I whispered and entered the tube in a flash and ended up at mount justice.

"How was the mission rob?" I saw kid flash and the rest of the team.

I ignored him and sat on the couch.

"Robin? Where's your cape?" Megan asked.

I didn't answer. I felt my right leg bounce nervously as I kept checking my phone.

"Robin?" Artemis came up.

"Dude, what happened on that mission?" Wally asked gently.1

"I-it was successful, we rescued the prisoner," I said shakily.

"And?" Conner asked.

"I don't know if he's fine, it's my brother," I felt my voice crack. I never cried in front of the team but I felt so broken.

I've been in many almost saw death battles but this hurt so bad.

To see my brother with fear in his eyes at me or anyone, how injured he was, just the fact that he's been there for how long.

Could be four years or recently. And what happened to his other family?7

I couldn't say much because none of them knew my identity except Wally and Roy.

"It was my brother Wally," I whispered so only he heard.

"Oh..." Wally pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back tightly and finally started to sobbed into his kid flash uniform.

I sobbed loudly as all the pain I saw in my baby brother.

"You didn't s-see h-him Wally! Sob* h-he was terrified of me! He was so broken! So scared!" I sobbed into his shoulder completely forgetting the team was there and only my best friend.

Suddenly my phone went off and saw its been two hours since I left. Wow.

"Hello?" I whispered wiping my face.

"I finished, Robin, come now," batman said and hung up.

I bolted off the couch and ran to the zeta tube not caring about my friends questionings.

"Danny!" I ran in the batcave and saw Danny on the bed with an iv in his arm and him peacefully sleeping and cleaned up.

"He'll wake up soon, let's get him to a room, I have something to do," batman pulled off his cowl and we wheeled the bed to the mansion.

I choose the room that was next to mine. We gently put Danny in the bed and kept the in next to him.

I sat next to him and Bruce kissed the top of my head.

"He'll live, we'll help him," he told me and I nodded.

"Oh and dick, I have some papers that you might like, I already got adoption papers," he smiled at me and I felt tears of joy roll down my face.

"Thank you Bruce!" I smiled at him happily and looked back down at the eight year old.

I ran my fingers though his hair and took off my gloves. I stroked the side of his cheek, he seemed to lean into the touch.

I took off my mask and rubbed my eyes.

"Where a-am I-I?" A small voice said fearfully as Danny opened his eyes.

"Your save, don't be scared Danny," I said gently.

"D-Dickie?" He looked up at me.37

"It's me little phantom," I smiled at him. He started to cry and I picked him up and set him in my lap and rocked my body back and forth as I hugged him and he cried into my chest.

"They really hurt me Dickie, p-please don't let them hurt me," he gripped my shirt and shook in fear.

"Never again, no one will ever hurt you like that my baby brother, I will protect you," I cradled him.+

"I missed you Dickie bird," he whispered.

"And I missed you spooky," I whispered back and felt myself fall asleep with my brother in my arms.

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