Chapter 9

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Garth was the first person to reach the Rat before it attacked me. He managed to run in front of me and swung his bat upwards, nailing the Rat on the chin. The Rat's head snapped backwards, and it fell to the ground. Garth quickly smashed the bat down on its head multiple times. Black blood splattering onto him clothes and face. Each time he smashed the bat onto the Rats skull, he let out a grunt. It was scary, seeing this side of him.

I hesitantly touched his shoulder and he whipped around with his bat high and an insane look on his face. His eyes were saying that he wanted to keep smashing something with the bat. But when he saw my scared face he instantly changed moods and had a sorry look on his face. He let his arms drop to him sides and he hung his head.

"Sorry you had to see that." He muttered, "I didn't think that would happen."

"It's... It's alright." I say back, "Let's just get back home. We probably have enough food for a few days." I say to my Dad and Lizzie.

We all easily climb over the fence since it has rungs on this side. We make it safely back to our house. My dad knocks on the door softly and someone from inside the house unlocks the door for us. It was our mum.

My dad entered first, then Garth, then me and Lizzie followed me. When mum saw Lizzie she was suddenly the happiest person alive. She almost yelled something out, but managed to catch herself before she said anything too loud.

"Lizzie!" My mum said in a low and excited voice. "I can't believe you're safe! Thank god you're safe." Mum started to smother her with kisses.

"Mum! Stop!" Lizzie laughed, but understanding why she was talking in a low voice.

"Sorry Lizzie. I was so worried that you were stuck somewhere with no one to help you. You weren't here safe with us." Mum said and gave Lizzie another hug.

"I'm fine mum. Becca and her family are safe. At least they were when I left." Lizzie said as she took off her bag and walked to the kitchen.

"Did they bring you here?" Mum asked as Lizzie started taking out a few cans and bottles of water.

"No. I came here by myself."

"Lizzie!" My mum said a bit louder than normal. "Why would you risk your life coming back here by yourself! You must have been walking for hours!" She complained.

"I was fine mum. I've walked to and from their house to know plenty of shortcuts. Also with everyone being dead, it made it a lot easier to get here quicker. And it was only an hour I was walking for. Not that long." Lizzie replied, not even fazed by anything mum said.

"Lizzie, you should have made one of them come with you! To make sure you were safe!"

"Then let them walk back by themselves? Doesn't sound very safe to me mum."

"I only care about your safety Lizzie."

"I can look after myself mum."

"I know Lizzie, but you need to be more careful. Okay?"

"Yeah okay."


Me, Garth and my dad all stood there awkwardly as they had their conversation. Lizzie took her bag off the counter and headed to her room. She had hidden her knife before she came into the house. Wouldn't want mum to see a knife in her hands when she is only fifteen years old. But I think it is good for her to be adjusting so quickly to this world. Garth taps on my shoulder.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" He asks me in a low voice.

"Yeah, sure. What about?" He didn't reply, he just walked towards my room.

He stood by the open doorway, letting me enter first. I sat down on my desk chair as he shut the door. He went and sat down on my bed and just stared at the floor in silence.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, slightly swivelling side to side in my chair.

"I'm scared of what I might become." He said, still looking at the floor.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"I'm afraid that I'm going to become some crazy guy who enjoys beating in head." I could hear the fear in his voice. "I don't want to become one of those things either. I'm just..." He takes a deep breath, "I'm just scared of the future."

"Everything will be alright. You know how in the movie and TV shows the main characters always live? Well I feel like we are the main characters of our own story. So what author would let us die? What kind of show would that be? How else would we have survived this long?" I move over so that I am sitting next to him on the bed and he rests his head on my shoulder.

"I just feel that I might not make it through this. That I might go insane from all the death that surrounds us. All the fear and the constant fighting for our lives. I just don't think that I am ready for this." He rubs his face with his hand before dropping it back down to his side.

"I will always be here for you. You know that. You're my best friend and we will always look out for each other. I'm sure it would be worse if I wasn't here for you." I try to add a bit of light-heartedness into the conversation, so it wasn't so depressing. I also needed to cheer him up. "I haven't even killed any Rats yet. Each time one of them has come anywhere near me, someone else has killed it before it could reach me. You saved me from one and I am thankful. You're my knight in shining armour." He gives a small chuckle.

"You always cheer me up Spence." He gives me a small smile.

"I have to. It's my job." I flop down on my bed and he flops' down beside me.

"It's crazy how we are going to be fighting for survival for the rest of our lives." He turns to look at me and I look into his blue eyes.

"Let's hope we have long lives." We both give each other smiles. We had to live for each other.




A/N: Heyyyoooo. I hope that they live long lives together. They are best friends and they need each other to survive. Imagine going through an apocalyptic world without any friends. How depressing would that be...

I hope you liked this weeks chapter. It was more of a filler chapter... just kidding, you got to meet LIZZIE (in the previous chapter as well). Lizzie is based off my sister/best friend Zoe, who was also someone in my previous book, Children of the Ark (Go read it! It's good and it's finished!!)

Anyway, please vote and comment stuff because I love reading comments!!! Happy reading!!


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