Chapter 8

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My stomach dropped as I fell off the fence. I didn't get a look at what was on the other side of the fence before I got pulled off. Whatever pulled me off is either a human or a Rat. I hit the ground with a hard thud and I was instantly winded. I landed on my backpack that was filled with cans so that made my back crunch. I tried to gasp in a breath when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. It was a Rat right next to me, about to chomp down on me.

I quickly and awkwardly rolled out of the way as the Rat fell where I used to be. It got a face full of dirt. It looks up and it is as if it was disappointed that it didn't get a face full of fresh meat. It started to crawl towards me. I quickly looked around for my knife, but it was somewhere behind the Rat. I was stupid enough to let myself drop the knife as I fell.

I quickly scrambled backwards when I saw someone run towards the Rat and kick it in the face. The Rat had come close enough to me that when the person kicks it in the face, I felt saliva and blood hit my face. The person had a mask over the lower half of their face and I could tell that I was a girl from her figure. They were also wearing a black hoodie that was covering the rest of their head, so I couldn't tell who it was. They took the knife that was in their hand and stabbed it into the Rats head. It let out a small gurgle before it dropped to the ground and the girl tugged the knife out of the dead Rats head.

The girl looked at me and I felt as if I knew her. There was something extremely familiar about her, but I couldn't think of what it was. She reached her hand out to me and helped me up off the ground. Once I was standing upright I instantly knew who it was by her height.

"Lizzie? Is that you?" I ask not one-hundred percent sure it was her. The girl pulls off her hood and her mask and underneath it is a bright smiling girl. My sister.

We both clasped each other in a happy hug. I was glad that she was alive. It was at this moment that Garth was hoisted over the tall fence. When he was safely down on the ground was when he noticed that I was with Lizzie and that there was a dead Rat on the ground.

"What the... What happened here?" Garth asked confused. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah we're fine." I say with a smile. Still happy to see that my sister was alive and with us.

My dad was soon hoisting himself over the fence and landed with a grunt.

"My bones are too old for this." He mutters.

"Dad!" Lizzie yells before tackling him in a hug.

"Lizzie?" My dad grunts out as she hugs him. "Thank god you're okay!" He says as he hugs her back.

"How did you know we were here?" I ask her as she pulls away from our Dad.

"I was walking down the street when I saw that you were on top of a fence. Then I saw you fall off and I ran to see if you were alright." She said with a smile.

"Wait, so you were walking out on the street. All by yourself? What if you had been attacked!" My dad started to lecture her about the dangers that this virus is bringing.

"Dad! It's alright, nothing was out there. Anyway, I can protect myself. How many of those monsters have you killed anyway?" Lizzie was back to her usual sassy self.

"I haven't killed any yet. None of us have." My dad says.

"I've been almost attacked by two of them, but I haven't kill any yet." I say.

"Who killed them? Or did you manage to get away from them without killing them?" She asks.

"The first one, some random guy, who I still have no idea who he was, had saved me and the second was you."

"Still weaker than me I see." She teases, and I give her a glare in return.

She has always been stronger than me. Mentally and sometime physically. Whenever I was bullied at school, she used to go up to the bullies and smart-mouth them into leaving me alone. Other times it would put the attention of the bullies on her, but she would just scream and act all crazy before they could do anything. It would always freak them out and they would leave both her and I alone.

She did it when it was in her first year of high school. There were these guys who were assholes and they were teasing me as usual and she happened to see what was happening and she came and did her sass-talking and they then made the wrong decision of having a go at her. You should know what happened next. They left her and I alone for good. I will always be thankful for her. She's the best sister someone could have.

We all went still as we heard the familiar growl of a Rat. And it was close. We all turned around slowly and saw that a Rat was slowly stumbling its way to the backyard where we were. Its dead eyes were scanning as if it could see something. Its head was twitching side to side. It has a massive bite wound on the side of its neck. I slowly turned my head to see what everyone else was doing and they were backing up slowly.

I followed suit and started to backup. I took about three steps and before the fourth step I heard a gasp and then a twig snapping under my shoe. The Rat suddenly let out a loud growl before sprinting towards me. Ready to take a chunk out of my flesh.


A/N: Yaaaaaaay Chapter 8 is up!!! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I am having a lot of fun writing this. You finally get to meet Lizzie!!!

What do you think is gonna happen to Spencer? Will he manage to kill the Rat or will someone else get to it first?

Please comment if there is anything I need to fix, or maybe some ideas you have for the future of this story! I'm planning on writing more than one book. Hopefully XD

Anyway, happy reading!!


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