26. Moon goddess

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Chapter 26
Moon goddess

I stop running to catch my breath, Adam is still at it and I need to catch up. Currently we are running after a gorgeous white wolf that is crossing our territory, and that wolf runs fast. I stop at my tracks and see the wolf hiding behind a tree. I run up to the wolf and pin her down to the floor, my wolf being more fragile that the one pinned down. I mind link Adam and he runs towards me as fast as he can.

'Who are you?' I mind link the wolf.

'I'm Athena, I didn't mean to cause any problems I just come in search of Alpha Adam' she responds.

I stare at her and recognize her, I don't recall seeing her anywhere. At that moment I stare at her and finally know from where.

A few years back my mom had gone to San Francisco, she came home with a beautiful painting made from a wolf who believes he saw the moon goddess. Legend goes that one day, while walking in the woods, he saw a beautiful young woman taking a bath in the local lake. He went up to her and smiled saying that he was from the local town and that she shouldn't shower there. He fell in love with her beauty immediately and she was clueless as to why he came up to her, she told him that she was the moon goddess and that she had come to seek the Alpha of the pack.

All my life I had thought that, that painting was false. He didn't see the moon goddess m, he didn't fall for her, and that he had schizophrenia or something.

"The moon goddess" I whisper and Adam stares at me as if I was delusional.

"Astrid, don't be crazy" he said nervously.

The silence in the woods was scary.

"You are correct Luna Astrid" she finally responded. "I come to warn you Adam, you are too powerful. So powerful that many Alpha's are planning on taking over you and your pack, your family and your mate".

"You're lying!" He spats. "How do we know you are telling the truth".

"Observe" was all she said and stared at me. Her sight shifted from me tot the floor and she picked up one hand. She snapped her fingers and closed her eyes, she let out a breath and closed her hand in a fist. As soon as she opened it, we could see a small tornado of dirt, the twister was spinning as fast as it could. She took a look at her hand and the twister disappeared out of sight.

Adam's face was in shock, she was telling the truth and he just screamed at the moon goddess.

"I'm not lying" she said.

"I-I can see, excuse me" he said and grabbed my hand.

"We need to get her inside immediately" he said. I turn to look at her, she finally decided to start walking to our house.We walk into the house and we immediately start talking. This is so unexpected, the moon goddess is in our house. This is getting weirder by the minute.

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