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Little did he know



"If you're not going to give me your number, at least tell me your name?" I asked the naked stranger I'd just fucked, while he gathered his belongings together.

He slid his boxers on his toned waist, "Tony."

I scoffed, watching his biceps as he shrugged his tee on. "You're not at least going to ask for mine? I'd be more than glad to tell you."

His voice cold, "There's really no need when we are never going to see each other again." And with that, he grabbed his phone, and exited my room.

He should have let me tell him my name, so he could've made a plan for how exactly he was going to react to finding out that he had just screwed his future nanny.

I would've never thought that "Tony" was actually THE Anthony Ross. I can't believe I slept with Miami's most wealthy and powerful man. Though he wasn't dressed in his usual of designer suites and Rolex watches, I can't believe I hadn't recognized him.

I was snapped back into reality by his wife, the one and only Jacqueline Ross, bombarding me with more questions. I barely knew her, but really couldn't stand her.

I thought I was stuck up, but she legit acted like she had a stick stuck up her flat ass.

I don't know what Anthony, with his very great looks saw in this plain Jane. Sure, she was pretty. But not pretty pretty, like me.

Her hair was a dull brownish color, that looked like she never heard of a salon. I could see her tragically failed attempt at doing her own makeup. Bright blue eyeshadow? Really, do you even try? I had to say, I was envious of her nicely arched nose, it was more on the smaller side, which I've been begging for my whole life. But everything else about her was a straight case of, ew.

How could Anthony's fine ass ever down grade himself like this?

Her attitude wasn't all that bad, but she was way too snobby for my liking.

I mean, after the skills Anthony showed he possesed from earlier today, he could gladly have me any time of day.

Anthony was sitting next to his wife, crossing his buff arms across his chest like a five year old. He clearly didn't want me in his home after what had occurred, but I couldn't be offended, it was understandable, I also couldn't care less, I knew he was enjoying the view.

I was wearing one of my favorite Marc Jacobs dresses that enhanced each and every one of my curves. It was a long sleeve, but off-shoulder, giving me the perfect excuse to wear a gorgeous choker that Kelly bought and shipped to me a few weeks ago. The dress was a blinding white, that brought out my naturally tan olive skin, I paired it with a pair of nude colored strap sandals. I had straightened my long brown hair, letting it fall straight down my back, to portray my maturity.

"So what makes you better than any of the others seeking this position? Why should I trust that you want what's best for Evangeline?" Evangeline Ross, was their four year old daughter, who I swear was the cutest little thing I'd ever seen.

I usually don't like the presence of children, but Evangeline was such an angel, she was so sweet and innocent. The exact opposite of myself.

I cleared my throat and ignored the threatening looks I was receiving from Anthony. If I didn't get this job, I'd have to move back to New York and work for my dad, so I had to give this interview everything I had. Even though, I knew Anthony didn't want me here. "Well, I never actually had my mother in my life, and it's always been just me and my dad. I had a really lonely childhood, because my dad was constantly working to provide for us. But I often never felt loved, I had no one actually in my life." I wiped the fake tear that slipped down my cheek.

"Now I know you two are very busy, and I would never want Evangeline to feel as I did. I want her to have someone to be there with her, when you guys are too busy, reminding her how much you love her, and your working to make her have a happy life. I will be there for her, and take care of her as if she was my own." I said half hearted.

I hadn't noticed the saddened look that took over Mrs Ross' young face, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, I'm sure you will be a great fit to take care of our daughter."

Anthony's stern face turned into an even deeper frown (if that was possible), "Well I have to get back to work," Mrs Ross said patting down her lengthened pencil skirt, as she reached down for my hand. I took her hand in mines, and gave it a soft shake. "but I'm sure my husband can show you where you'll be staying." She gave Anthony a look before walking out of the nicely organized kitchen.

I stood up, waiting for him to take the lead. In a swift and subtle motion, Anthony managed to pin me against the wall, that I hadn't even realized was there.

"I am not going to lose my family because of a... little girl." His warm breath grazed the crook of my neck, "Understood?"

I stared up at his big brown eyes, speechless.

His grip on my wrists grew tighter, "Am...I...understood?"

"Yes..." Daddy.

He let me go, "Follow me." I payed no attention to my core that had gotten moist to his touch, and rubbed my wrists to ease the pain.

Not wanting to face his wrath, I followed him,up the stairs to a large hallway with five doors.

He pushed open the first door on the left side, to a medium sized, completely empty room, "This is your room, it will be ready for you by tomorrow."

Even though his back was to me, I still nodded. I've felt some of this man's power... and it's quite overwhelming. I'm not ready to cross him again, though I know he'll fall for my trap sooner than later.

The one across from it was already opened to reveal the little Evangeline sprawled across the floor drawing with crayons.

As we entered the room, she looked up from her drawing at us, then rushed to Anthony, "Daddy!" She spread out her arms, and readily he picked her up.

He smiled up at her, with this unfamiliar twinkle in his eyes, "How was your day, Evie?" Awe, such a cute nickname.

Their little scene was really cute. I wish my father gave me this much undivided attention.

I admired little Evangeline's room. Her walls were a pale pink color, and she had drawings and paintings strung all over them.

I was so focused on her drawings, that I hadn't even realized tuning out of their conversation, until I heard,"You're so pwetty!" It was Evangeline's voice, and obviously she was talking to me.

Turning back around, I'm met with her smiling so kindly to me, while Anthony looks like he's about to slaughter me... in the bad way.

"Thank you, sweetie...and so are you." I said truthfully.

She pulled herself out of Anthony's grasp, so he'd set her down, "Are you my nammy?"

I giggled at her beyond adorable voice, "Yes, I'm your nanny."

She jumped up and down, "Can you pway with me?"

I chuckled, you should see how I play with your daddy. "Of course I'll play with you, miss thing."

"Don't worry about it, you don't start yet." Anthony implied.

I gave him a stern look, showing my readiness to start.

"Okay well, I guess, I'll be in my office downstairs if you need me," he massaged his temples, "I'm sure you won't."

I don't hold Anthony accountable for the bitter facade he put on for me, he intended for me to be a one night stand, but instead, I was living under the same roof, caring for the one he loved the most.

And soon, little did he know, I'd have him wrapped around my finger, and drop him like yesterday's news. It will be quite the fun games I intend on playing on him... even if it wrecks a "happy" home.

I apologize for the super long update, it really helps when you vote and comment, and share if you enjoy this book.

An update will be out soon


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