Part Sixty One

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A/N So this is a final swansong for Oscar and Lizzie. I have a few ideas for linked stories in the future, but have a couple of really strong stories battling in my head, very different. Hope that you like. Anyway, as it's adios to these two, there are another couple on the horizon. Thanks for all the support. xx

Chapter Sixty One

Oscar was frozen, stuck somewhere between confusion and orgasm for a long moment, and it was her who hit her high first, collapsing over Oscar exhausted, he finally managed a moan of sorts, a strained sound. Then he was panting in her ear, "fuck, oh my you mean it? Oh God..."

His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he wasn't sure of anything any more...

...except that she loved him. That made his lips curl into a smile, a smug, satisfied, can't remember what day it is, smile.

Lizzie wrapped her arms around the dazed man, collapsed on top of her. She hadn't thought through his reaction to her confession, but she wanted to whoop. Even as she opened her mouth she wasn't sure that she could tell Oscar she loved him, but now as he seemed almost comatose from the news, she knew she was right. It seemed that words were a powerful aphrodisiac.

"If I'd known that I could disable you so easily I'd have maybe tried that earlier!"

With a groan, he rolled onto his side, then opened one eye, "that was...incredible. But I think you killed me."

She chuckled, feeling the heat of a blush on her cheeks, but he managed to lift his head and smile at her.

"Don't ever be embarrassed, you..." he looked to the ceiling for a moment. "You are more than I ever deserve. More than I ever imagined."

He sighed, running his fingers over her cheek, "a year ago I didn't know...didn't know that life could be like this, that I could be part of a family...that I could ever find someone like you."

She sighed, "I feel the same."

Oscar smiled, "I can't believe that. You are perfect, so beautiful, caring, understanding, funny..."

She blushed again, "I don't know. I don't think I've ever believed that anyone like you could want someone like me." She hated being so honest, so open. But she knew that this was the new level in their relationship. She had to be truthful.

Propped up on his elbows, he laughed, "want you? I NEED oxygen. I can't imagine life without you. You are everything to me, darling. Believe it."

"I want to, I'm trying to..."

He sighed, "you are in a ridiculous situation, where no one in your life has ever deserved you. Hell, I'm not saying I do, but no one has ever loved you, Lizzie. And that is a crime, it really is. But I have the rest of my life to show you what that feels like. You hear me?"

The blush this time was accompanied by her dropping her head, he made her feel so special, so was crazy.

His lips touched her cheek as he bowled her over, flat against the pillows, "I need to start now, I see!"


Lizzie's eyes snapped open and met Oscar's equally stunned and nervous ones. Nate had caught them in bed. They were facing each other and he widened his eyes as he tried to assure her that this was ok, this wasn't a problem.

Oscar half smiled then rolled to meet the eager face of the five year old.

"The sun is shining and you are still asleep!"

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