Part Forty Three

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A/N Another apology...I have a stack of excuses for the delay...all of them genuine, but let's get on with this. Hope you enjoy, x

Chapter Forty Three

They couldn't tear themselves apart; lying on the sofa for far too long, but for Oscar is was perfect, he had shown her how he felt, in the only way he knew how. And then she'd rolled herself on top of him and taken control, joining them together once more, lowering herself slowly onto him, and teasing him with her eyes as well as her body.

He was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. But not so much that he couldn't scoop up her tired form and carry her upstairs.

"I'm too heavy!" She protested, as soon as she realised what he was doing. But he shook his head, because it was nonsense.

"I like doing things for you; you rarely let I'll do this."

Lizzie rolled her eyes, but he found it quite adorable, curled up in his arms, looking so natural, so beautiful. He had barely climbed a few steps and he was hard for her again. But she had that affect on him, he was a slave to her...he just needed her to realise it.

Or maybe show her.

That was his lasting thought as he lowered her to the mattress then curled up beside her.

"I'm not sleeping without you," he offered as some sort of explanation when she raised an eyebrow in question. Then when she slumped against the pillow uncomplaining he gave an almost grunt of victory.

She didn't flinch when he wrapped his arms around her, and in fact, she pushed her hips back into his, fitting snugly against his thighs.

"Are you doing that on purpose Miss?"

He felt her silent chuckle, then watched as she turned and coyly winked at him, it was his undoing, within moments he was on her again, kissing, touching, tasting, and wondering how the hell he was going to last all day without her.

"What have you got planned for today?"

Oscar almost blinked from the trance he was in watching Lizzie so efficiently manage about three tasks at once at breakfast the following morning. There was no awkwardness when they woke, despite him opening his eyes to find her bare breast right in front of his face. Somehow he's slid down the bed and was curled into her stomach, and so he'd woken to that glorious sight...and hadn't shirked the chance to secure his lips around her nipple. She'd woken with a squeal, a sound he wanted to hear every morning...

Now she was asking him questions.

"Have to work," he sighed, between chews as he reached for his coffee. "Though I'd rather stay here with you..."

Nodding slowly, meeting his lustful gaze over the top of Nate's bowed head full on, "hmm, one of us has to earn a living, and you are trying your best to assure that isn't me..."

"For the RIGHT reasons!" He cut in, his eyes wide.

She laughed, and he wanted to growl at her, she knew exactly which buttons to press, "so you say!"


She took the warning in her stride, still grinning, "only got your word for it!"

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