Get Over a Guy Who Doesn't Care About You 2

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Don't isolate yourself.
It's normal to feel depressed when the guy you are interested in doesn't care about you, but avoid isolating yourself from the people who love and support you. Cutting yourself off from friends and family will make you feel worse, so reach out to the people in your life you can count on.

Ask your friends and family for their feedback and help. They will probably be happy to talk with you about your feelings and brainstorm about how you can feel better. There's also a good chance they have dealt with a similar situation and can relate to how you are feeling.

Organize fun activities and outings.
To take your mind off your troubles and to help you move forward with your life, organize fun activities with people you enjoy being around.

Go out to dinner, see a movie, plan a trip, or take a spa day.It might be tempting to spend the whole time talking about your unrequited love, but everyone will have a better time if you enjoy the moment. Don't focus on the past.

Make new friends. Meeting new people can be a healthy way to recover from rejection because the people you meet were not a part of these painful experiences. Here are some ideas to :

Introduce yourself to someone you see regularly at work, school, or in your gym class. There are many people we see every day, but have never taken the time to actually meet. You might get to know someone who could be a great friend.Visit new places such as restaurants, bookstores, and coffee shops. When you become stuck in a routine, you don't encounter many new people.Instead of spending all your time telling your new friends about past relationship woes, try asking them about their lives and interests. You're meeting new people to move forward, so don't let your past pain intrude on your fresh start.

Try to help someone else. When you are dealing with a painful or potentially hurtful situation such as learning that someone doesn't care about you, it can be tempting to fixate on your own pain. A good way to feel better and take your mind off your troubles, however, is to help someone else.

Helping other people has a way of placing your own problems in perspective and making them seem less significant and all-encompassing.Consider volunteering for a community organization. Offer to help out a friend, or just do something nice for someone in need.You can also be supportive of other people by being friendly and encouraging in meetings, therapy sessions, or online forums.Give yourself credit for the progress you are making, and take notes each day in a diary or journal about the positive steps you are making. For example, did you make it through the day thinking less about the guy who rejected you? Were you able to make a new friend or acquaintance? Even if you have tough days, you can look back and observe all your progress.Make time for yourself and learn to enjoy alone time. Schedule time each day to have a cup of tea, read a book, take a bath, or do something that you like to do. You will feel more independent and stronger.If you travel in the same circles as the guy who rejected you, it can be helpful to give yourself some space. Visit new places, make new friends, and get some distance.Love yourself first and then you'll discover that love is all you need to be free.WarningsAvoid self-destructive behaviors such as drugs, drinking, and casual sex. These are not effective ways to get over someone, and they can cause more problems.If you are depressed and thinking about hurting yourself, seek help as soon as possible so you can feel better. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline's 24 hour toll-free crisis hotline (1-800-273-8255).

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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