Why Do Some Guys Stare, Say Hello, But Never Make A Move

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Getting a glimpse of a woman a guy finds attractive is just the beginning.

Why he'll stare, maybe say hello or start a conversation, but never follow through with what appears to be his intentions, is where it all can get kind of confusing.

  First of all: Fear. They're scared. They don't know what to do and when to do it. They have never done it before or lack the experience. But there's more. 

 Men are not often taught the steps of seduction and rarely do they look for "real" advice on how to do it. When they do seek advice or counseling on the subject find it difficult an area to practice. ( Plus imagine how much bad advice is out there on this subject. )

When you are learning something like an instrument or a new job skill the practice part is handed to you because it's an essential part of the learning process.

But as far as making a move on a woman or the act of seduction the practice part is extremely difficult.

What if he meets a woman who is not understanding of his lack of experience and rejects him?

What if he meets an incredible woman and screws it up so badly he feels useless or not capable of turning a woman on? That could scar him for life.

Seriously, just imagine this is NOT an area where practice is a granted right and the woman's response is not always beneficial or accepting. This alone can cause lots of guys to hope and poke never learning the valuable lesson they need on when or how to make the right move.

Being told how to do it is one thing – but actually doing is an entirely different experience.

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