10| Harry Potter?!

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"Yes. Is this Natalie Drake?"

"Yes it is. Who's asking?" I questioned, a little concerned that this person knew who I was and I didn't even recognize their voice.

I noticed Riley watching me intently. He must've seen that I didn't know who was on the other end; I'm sure I looked a little freaked out.

"Oh, right. I'm Mrs. Singh. My husband said he met you a few days back at our shop," she informed me.

"Oh, yes. I guess I did," I replied, assuming her husband was the indian man I met earlier this week.

"Right, well, we were hoping you could babysit for us Monday afternoon. I know it's only a day's notice, but something came up and-"

"Mrs. Singh, I'd be happy to babysit. What time?" I said, silencing her worries.

It's obvious I silenced any worries Riley had as well because his serious face turned back into a smile once he saw I was comfortable with the conversation.

Mrs. Singh and I settled that I'd be at her house before 5 p.m. because that was when they were leaving. We also discussed my pay, and what time they planned to be back. I made sure to write everything down on paper, along with their address before getting off the phone.

"So, you're a babysitter?" Riley asked, raising an eyebrow at me with a grin.

"Part-time, yes."

"Is seventeen too old to have you as my babysitter?" he continued, pointing a finger at himself.

"You think you're funny, don't you?" I said, playfully slapping his arm.

"Hey? What can I say? I'm a naturally funny guy."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," I said, pinning my note to the fridge with a magnet.

"I didn't know you wore glasses," he commented from behind me. "You look cute, like a girl version of Harry Potter."

"Did you just say I look like Harry Potter?!" I exclaimed, and not in an excited way.

"What's wrong with Harry Potter? You don't find him hot?" Riley teased.

"Not at all. I'm more of a Ron Weasley girl," I admitted.

His warm laugh filled the kitchen. I guess it filled the living room too, because Paully heard us.

"Hey, you better not be flirting over there!" he yelled from the couch.

"Shut up!" I yelled back. "And you," I said, pointing a finger at Riley.

"Who? Me?" he asked in a dramatic way.

"Yes, you! You don't tell a girl she looks like a guy, ever!"

"Chill, HP. You look absolutely adorkable," he laughed before ruffling my hair and heading back to the couch.

Well, at least I got a more satisfying compliment out of him.

The rest of the night we stayed up playing with Paully on the PS4. Around 10 p.m., Riley's mom called and he had to leave. I walked him out, giving him a hug goodbye, and then headed upstairs to my room. I decided to work on my script for my project in Digital Studios. I would need an actor for it soon, but I'd deal with that later.

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