Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Drew yawned as he sank back into his chair. He, unfortunately, hadn't had much rest the previous night. He'd had a dream about Madeleine and had woken up in the middle of the night with a hard on like he was a randy teenager. He'd had to take a cold shower to get himself under control and after that he was unable to sleep.

Even now, thoughts of Madeleine and who Brandon was to her filled his mind. He was probably her boyfriend. He hoped not but that was the most likely explanation for who he was.

What if Brandon was her husband? But then that would mean that they'd only been together for less than a month or two before they married since he was with you three months ago. That seemed unlikely. His conscience attempted to mollify his, admittedly unreasonable, anger at thinking Brandon was her husband. But what if she'd been with Brandon longer than that but had cheated on him that night she spent with him? Cheating wasn't like Madeleine though. But how would he know what kind of person she was? He'd only been with her for one night and they didn't really spend that night talking...

"What the fuck?" Drew exclaimed aloud. He wasn't a guy who overanalysed and overthought about everything. So why was he doing just that instead of working? Why didn't he just ask Madeleine instead of overanalysing? That made sense, didn't it? But did he really want to know the answer to who Brandon was? Why was he even thinking about it now?

He grabbed his phone quickly and called Daniel.

"Mr Nicholson?" Daniel answered on the second ring.

"Bring me a coffee. Please." He added the last word as an afterthought.

"Of course sir." Drew hung up and rubbed his eyes with his fingertips.

Ten minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door before Daniel entered with Drew's Batman mug full of steaming coffee. The minute the mug was placed into his hands, Drew took a sip of it.

"Thank you, Daniel."

"Is there anything else you need?" Daniel asked him. When Drew shook his head, Daniel left him alone in peace and quiet. He pulled a folder from the file cabinet and prepared to settle down to work. Before he could get started, his phone rang. From the ringtone, it was a member of his family. He normally wouldn't take phone calls at work but if it was family, it was important.


"It's nothing major, just wanted to remind you that tonight's family games night. You weren't there last week so Mama told me to remind you."

"I'm fine, thanks for asking Angie! It's always nice to hear from one of my baby sisters! Oh Tommy and Tammy are doing well? That's always nice to hear!" He replied sardonically.

"Shut up! Will you be there or not?" His 22 year old sister asked him impatiently. When her question was met with silence, she groaned aloud, "You know I didn't mean literally shut up!"

"Well you've got to make these things clearer, baby sis!"

"You still act like a goddamn 6 year old!" She sighed, "Nicky, talk to your best friend! He's acting like a child." There was a shuffling sound in the background as Nicky got the phone.

"You terrorising my wife again, Drew?"

"You know it! She's so easy to wind up!"

"I know right! It's brilliant!" The two men, who had known each other for over two decades, and practically their whole lives, chuckled.

"Ask him!" Drew heard Angie saying to her husband.

"So are you coming to family game night then?"

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