Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Drew fought the urge to wink and flirt with the ash blonde beauty in front of her as had been his go-to response for years. Dressed in light blue high-waisted shorts, which displayed her toned long legs, and a white lace bralette and a red plaid flannel shirt, she was exactly the kind of girl that he would flirt with instantly. As he took in her outfit, it dawned on Drew that he knew far too much about women's fashion for his own good. He shook that thought out of his mind as his eyes left the woman's outfit.

He turned to look at Madeleine, who averted her gaze from him once she realised he was looking. Checking out her sister probably wasn't the best way to get back into her good books, he acknowledged wryly.

"Echanté." Madeleine's sister flirtatiously licked her lips as she stuck her hand out, placing it in the position that demanded a kiss. He took her hand in his and shook it instead.

"Melanie, right?" Drew asked to confirm that this was indeed Madeleine's sister. They had similar features – the differences being that where Madeleine's features were softer and seemingly more delicate, Melanie's were sharper and more 'model-like' and she'd sought to accentuate this with the makeup she wore. Melanie's appearance was not at all subtle – she demanded to be noticed and to be seen. Whereas, Madeleine's almost girl-next-door looks were such that she could almost be missed without any makeup.

"Oui." Melanie replied, her voice less flirtatious than before.

Before he met Madeleine, he was probably more drawn to girls like Melanie – they reminded him of Jessi and he had wanted to prove to himself that he would never be taken a fool of by someone like that again.

However, Madeleine's beauty went beyond just her face – it was everything about her that was beautiful. She was the kind of girl that he could see himself falling in love with. Wait- what? Who was talking about love? He just wanted his friend back and he wanted more of her around him in every way.

Oh God, who was he kidding? He was sort of, kind of starting to fall for her. He knew he shouldn't trust her and he should have just left things as he'd left them in the hospital. But that was kind of what love was, right? Wanting that person around you all the time, wanting to hear their troubles, wanting to be there for them, wanting to just enjoy each other. This was the kind of love his parents had, his sisters had – the kind of love that he'd thought he'd found once. Looking back, he knew what Jessi and him had wasn't love – even if she hadn't betrayed him or Luis, he didn't particularly want her around him all the time. She was... domineering. He needed someone to be his equal – not more important than him, not less important but on par.

"Drew?" Madeleine's voice broke him from his thoughts, "Don't you need to go?" Madeleine's eyebrows twitched as though saying he should say yes. But he couldn't leave her to face her sister alone.

"Oh no, I don't need to go for another couple of hours. Don't you worry, cariño." He smiled innocently down into her eyes, ignoring the icy anger in hers.

They stared at each other for a few moments. God, he loved her eyes. On first look, they appeared simply brown. However, they were more a warm brown that he knew helped melt the icy barriers around his heart. He watched as the icy anger melted away slowly.

"Madeleine, I know your social skills aren't brilliant but aren't you going to let me in?" Melanie's slightly bitter tone broke into their moment. One of Madeleine's eyes winced almost imperceptibly and she closed them both. When she opened them, she appeared ready for battle. She turned away from him to look at her sister.

"Pardon!" She apologised, "Won't you come in?" Madeleine, Brandon and Drew stepped away from the door to allow Melanie to enter. When she entered, she immediately fell to her knees. Drew was confused for a second but his confusion was cleared up as she turned to Brandon.

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