twenty one

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Walking into the office the next morning, my mind was made up and I knew what I had to do. Despite the undeniable chemistry between Tyler and myself, I knew that it would be absolutely stupid of me to let go of everything I'd built with Nate in order to pursue a 'relationship' with someone who didn't know the meaning of the word. And for that reason alone, I'd decided that I needed to be professional with Tyler, and keep it that way from this point forwards.

"Good morning, Mr Gray," I greeted him cheerfully, walking into his office with his order of coffee. Even though I'd left his house just hours ago, seeing him effected me more than I'd dare to admit.

"Bringing back the formalities already?" He smirked devilishly. "You know you can call me Tyler when it's just us - or when it's not."

"I think it's probably best that I don't, Sir," I remained as composed as possible, remembering that if I didn't set the standard now, I would never be able to hold back.

"As you wish," he smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. "Did you enjoy your night?"

After making out on his bed for a good while, I'd proceeded to fall asleep on top of him in an extremely ungraceful manner. I'd been exhausted after my two incredible dates, made worse by the fact that it was nearing two o'clock in the morning by that point. A couple of hours of blissful slumber later, I'd woken to find that I was, in fact, still in my boss's bedroom, and that he was, in fact, still beneath me. That's when the enormity of the situation had really sunk in for the first time. On my request, Tyler had driven me home practically as soon as I'd woken.

The whole night had been a dream; too good to be true. And usually when I felt that way about a situation, I was right on the money.

"Of course I did," I replied. "You should honestly consider selling those tours of yours. You're a natural."

"I'm glad you had a good time," he grinned. "I've gotta admit, it's been a while since I've had that much fun."

He seemed to actually mean what he was saying, which made me genuinely happy. Knowing that I'd been able to get him to chill out for once in a while was something that I was weirdly proud of.

"So anyway," I began, willing myself to stay focused. "What are my jobs for today?"

"I have a few business partners for you to get in touch with," he began. "I'm not too sure about some of them so I thought I'd get you to suss them out a bit for me. You're always good at that."

"I'm flattered," I laughed. "Anything else?"

"Umm," he consulted his computer screen where I assumed he had a list of tasks laid out. "That's all that I have written down, but I'll definitely let you know if anything else pops up."

"No probs," I smiled, turning on my heels towards the door.

"Oh wait, before you go," Tyler stopped me in my tracks. When he didn't continue, I turned to face him, noticing that he had now gotten out of his chair and had made his way around to the other side of his desk. He leaned back onto the mahogany desk-top, grasping the edge of it with his large hands.

"Yes?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"How about a good morning kiss?" he winked, a rather hopeful look on his face.

This was exactly the stuff I'd been hoping to avoid today; I was too weak to resist. But I had to.

"Woah there buddy," I attempted to keep the mood light. "Sure, we went out last night and let loose a little. But that doesn't mean I'm now gonna make out with you on demand."

"Just one?" his puppy dog eyes almost caused me to give in.

"Sorry, Sir," I chuckled, heading back towards the door before turning my head to face him one last time. "I'll be back once my reports on these 'business partners' of yours are done."

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