three (edited)

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Monday morning came around way too fast for my liking.

After leaving the confines of Mr Gray's intimidating building just three days ago, there had been a number of things I'd needed to do in preparation for my first day in the office. I'd started off by telling Becca about my new position, which was a pretty uneventful conversation. She'd always been a big advocate for female empowerment, so no matter how much she liked Marcus, she would never side with him on an issue like this.

Nevertheless, I was beyond grateful for her support, and was careful not to dismiss her struggles when sharing my good news. Becca still hadn't been able to book any jobs, which affected much more than her bank account balance.

I'd also told Marcus the exciting news, or at least a portion of it. I had deliberately waited until I'd secured the job to even mention it to my boyfriend, and wasn't quite sure how to go about it when I did. Luckily time zone differences had meant that my vagueness went unnoticed by him since I caught him when he was barely woken up.

I had every intention of telling him the finer details eventually, and sooner rather than later if possible, but wanted to feel out the job and find my feet before commenting on how it really was. Becca also thought it a good idea to be honest with him, even though she found his demands to be ridiculously selfish.

After getting dressed into my a black pencil skirt and white button-up shirt (extremely basic I know), I made my way into our bathroom, opening up my tiny makeup bag. I'd only ever owned the basics; tinted moisturiser, mascara and a lip-gloss that always seemed to be out of date. I'd never really had too much interest in caking my face, although I had mad respect for anyone who could.

But that wasn't to say that I took no pleasure in making myself look and feel good. I was blessed with pretty good genetics; I had long chocolate-brown hair, light blue eyes, and naturally white teeth, all features which I'd received countless complements for in my twenty-four years of life. But playing around with my aesthetic was something that I'd always wanted to do and just hadn't found a chance to. I had considered, on a number of occasions, dying my hair an ashy-blonde, getting a nose ring, and even investing in lash extensions. Whether or not any of that ever eventuated was completely up in the air.

"Alright Becca, I'm about to head off," I called out, not really sure if I would be getting a response. It was a half past seven in the morning, and the chances of her being awake this early were very slim.

"Good luck," I got a croaky reply, making me chuckle to myself. Becs was certainly not a morning person. I wasn't either, but I guess that was going to quickly change.

I grabbed my set of keys, locking the door behind me as I made my way down to the hustle and bustle of 46th Street. My destination was on 53rd, just a 10 minute walk from where we lived. I was quickly learning my way around the city, and the intimidating buildings and endless flashing signs were no longer so daunting to me.

Upon my arrival at Gray's Consulting, I was greeted once again by the familiar face of Bella, the same receptionist who had initially helped me out the other day.

"I hear your interview was a raving success!" she called out, making me laugh as I headed over to her.

"Apparently," I smiled. "Although I don't really know what I've just gotten myself into."

"Well all I know is that you're wanted on level seventy-five," she informed me. "I believe the boss will have more instructions from there."

If I thought the ride up to my interview had lasted a lifetime, this trip would take me to the grave. I was a bundle of nerves, and had no idea what to expect, or what my job even really entailed.

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