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Pagophobia~Fear of ice or frost.

"Thank you all for coming," Darcy said as she stared at the long table of rogues.

"What's this about exactly," Penguin asked.

"How many of you have worked for a man named Ra's Al Ghul?"

Three-fourths of the table raised their hand and she frowned. "Let me rephrase, how many still work for him or like him."

Everyones hands lowered and she smiled, clapping her hands together. "Marvelous! I need your help to kill him."

"You're joking, right?" Firefly laughed.

"What's in it for us?" Mr. Freeze asked.

"Not being destroyed," Riddler smiled.

"What do you mean exactly?" Fish Mooney said.

"Ra's plans to destroy Gotham, and since we are all the idiots that live here, we need to stop him."

"Maybe we don't care," Ivy said. "What has this city ever done for us? We could just leave."

"True, but shouldn't it be us who destroys Gotham? Not some outsider in a fancy outfit. He'll be killing plants, Ivy."

Ivy expression hardened and Harley jumped up.

"I'm in! Let's show him who's boss!"

It took a moment, but soon everyone was nodding in agreement.

Darcy smiled. "Fantastic! Freeze, Harley, Zsasz, Dent, you're with me. Firefly, Ivy, Penguin, Croc go with Edward. And Fish, Hatter, Joker, Deadshot, Cat."

The door to the room slammed open and in stepped a man with snow white hair and a pink suit, with a candu cane tie.

"Sweet Tooth," Penguin groaned.

The man grinned at them. "You rogues need some help?" he walked forward and grabbed Darcy's hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it.

"Hello, lovely." Crane and Edward instinctively stepped forward. Sweet Tooth laughed.

"I'm with you, sweetheart."

Darcy internally rolled her eyes, and externally nodded her head.

"Let's do this. First, we gotta lure him out."
Darcy jumped down and snapped the neck of a League of Shadows member. His body fell to the ground as her team walked out.

They all looked at the storage unit. She nodded at Freeze. He raised his gun and ice shot from it, freezing the lock. He then slammed the gun down on it and it snapped off. He pulled the door up to reveal a pile of drugs.

Zsasz started throwing gasoline and Harley lit a match.

"Boom!" She dropped the match and the drugs were engulfed in flames, the heat warming their skin.

Gunshots rang out.

Everyone dove for cover as bullets ricochet off the wall and flew past the rogues faces. Ten gunmen stood with Ra's patiently waiting.

"I didn't sign up for this, Dar!" Harley called. Darcy and Zsasz jumped up, back-to-back and began shooting. They took out five before something hit the floor.

"Bomb!" Darcy yelled.

It exploded and smoke filled the area. They all became dizzy and fell to the side, unconscious.

Darcy tried fighting it as footsteps approached her.

"My sweet Rosie," the voice echoed around her skull, like it was coming from every direction.

She tried shaking away the feeling, but two arms supported her form and picked her up.

"It's time you came home."

And the world disappeared around her.

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