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Mnemophobia~ Fear of Memories.

Darcy awoke and gave a small smile at the memory of hanging out with Johnny last night. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as her phone buzzed.

She grabbed it and skimmed over the text.

Meet me at Harbor. 8.

"Batsy," she chuckled and stood to her feet.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

Then she froze and her shoulders tensed.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

She turned to the living room where a very muscular man stood with a mask over his mouth and nose. It appeared to be helping him breathe.

"My name is Bane and you must be Rosie."

She sat down on her couch and stared up at him. "So Ghul sent you, did he? Well, Mr. Bane, what can I do for you?"

"Ra's Al Ghul has a message for you." He threw down a folder on the table and she leaned forward, taking it in her hands. She flipped it open and saw pictures of all the rogues.
Her and the sirens shopping, Deadshot, Croc, and her hanging out. Edward and Jonathan...

"Meet him at the park. Tomorrow. Five. Come alone and tell no one." He turned and hesitated. "I'd advise you to come. He hasn't talked about anyone he's trained as much as you. He will start killing your friends." With that he walked out, leaving Darcy alone to her thoughts.

That night, draped in a trench coat, she met Bruce at the Harbor.

"Any word from him?"

"No," she lied smoothly. "You?"

"No. But I know someone who might've. Someone who is a colleague of his."

Darcy stared at him, expectantly.

"Scarecrow. I've heard Ghul has hired him because of the toxins he possesses."

Darcy looked away and slowly nodded. "I'll talk to him....see what he'll tell me."

"Keep me updated."

She nodded and walked off,
Jonathan answered the door and smiled at Darcy.

"Darcy! How can I-"

"What do you know about Ra's Al Ghul?"

He looked taken back. "I don't know what you're-"

In a second she had him by the collar and pinned against the wall. "What do you know about him?!"

"He's paying me for large quantities of fear toxin. I don't under-"


"Why do you think? He wants Gotham to fall."

"Where is he?"

"I don't know!"

"Don't lie to me, Crane!"

"I'm not. But Hugo Strange might know."

Darcy released him and they stared at each other.

"What is this about, Dar?"

"Nothing that need concern you. I have to handle something."

"Dar, please tell me. I can help."

"No. No, you can't."

With that she walked out and pulled out her phone, dialing a number and holding it her ear.

"Oswald, get Fish, Zsasz, and Freeze. We're gonna pay your friend Hugo Strange a visit."

Philophobia [Dr. Jonathan Crane]Where stories live. Discover now