18 | Forgetting Messages

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"I AM sorry to hear of your illness, Jasmine. And since I am a forgiving person, I will extend your task. Please let Ashton Yi know of my previous message and come pick up what he has lost by Friday. I will be waiting."

Jasmine read the message out loud, trying to make sense of it in any way she could. Their kindness was rubbing her the wrong way and she had the strongest feeling that SS would strike soon during her weakest moments.

She wanted to throw away her phone and run into her parent's arms. She wanted to get herself out of this mess and let Ashton deal with his own problems.

But she could never do that to someone in need.

She only wished she had the strength to help herself in the same way. When her parents stormed out of her room earlier, she could have stood up to them. Instead of begging them to stay, she could have made them take her side.

Jasmine would be wasting her breath. No matter how she tried to change their minds, her parents would always trust an authority figure over a child that didn't know any better. After all, who would believe her word over a proven blood test result? Over an accredited doctor?

But she didn't blame them. She wouldn't believe herself either.

Jasmine wiped a stray tear from beneath her eyes as she called Ashton, grateful for any distraction from her life. He picked up on the first ring and cleared his throat to cover up the faint tremble in his voice. "Jasmine?"

"Hey, Ashton." She bit her lip as she tried to think of a sentence that didn't seem to crazy.  "I need you to come with me to the playground next to the elementary school. The abandoned one. I know it sounds insane but apparently, you lost something a little while ago and it's there."

She must have sounded nervous because he was suddenly alert. "You know where she is?" he asked and Jasmine could hear him rise to his feet, knocking over a few plates in the process. "I'll be over in five minutes."

"Ashton, I'm in the hospital. I can't leave and take you until tomorrow when I'm released."

"Jasmine, this is important. I can't wait much longer to find her," he exclaimed. "Please, can't you sneak out?"

"Slow down. I can try to sneak out but first, tell me something. Who is she?" she asked.

"My mother. She's missing. I filed a report a few days ago and the police still haven't gotten any leads. The entire department depends on her and now that she isn't there, they're losing it. Did they contact you?" Ashton spoke like a drunk man, stringing his words together like he would run out of breath if he went through them slower.

Jasmine's blood ran cold. His mother was taken by SS. She wasn't sure how Maria Yi connected to their plan, since their threats have only served to alienate Jasmine or hurt her. She wasn't sure what this fell under.

"We'll get her back, Ashton," she whispered.

"I hope. I am going to break you out of that hospital, though, and you can't tell me otherwise." Jasmine heard his car door slam shot, ready to bolt at the slightest indication.

"Fine. Break me out," she muttered before adding, "We'll find her. This can't be a dead end."

"You better be right."


"YOU'RE PRETTY hot in a hospital gown." Ashton smiled at her as if to hide his underlying anxiety.

Jasmine wasn't buying it but she laughed anyway. "I think I'll wear this to class one day."

"I wouldn't recommend it. Can't have you flashing someone on accident." He joked, his arms crossed over his chest. He gave off a cautious vibe, one that made Jasmine feel even worse.

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