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I love myself....*eats a bagel while sipping tea*
Someone would be mad if they found out I was eating a bagel, who is it?


I blink at Aphrodite while she blinks at me. My hands still have her wrist pin while her legs are still wrapped around my waist. I slowly look over to my father and see him blinking and then slowly closing the door.

I took a deep breath in and the out while releasing her wrist. I unwrapped her legs around me and got off of her. "I guess there's soup. You can go down, I'll just need to change."

I looked over to while I stood at the front of the bed while running a hand through my hair. Her cheeks were tinted red and she quickly nodded while hurrying off the bed and out of the room.

I licked my lips, well I tried too, but I felt my fangs still out. I took a deep breath in and bit on my lip slightly while they pierced through the skin and sunk in. I groaned slightly and they finally retreated back in. I licked my lips and I tasted the blood but it was already healing.

I walked towards my closet and grabbed a t-shirt and some shorts. It was already sun down, so why dress up. I walked out of the closet and out of the room, making my way towards the kitchen.

I saw Aphrodite eating like no tomorrow with the soup, and my heart dropped slightly because ever since she was here I don't know when she ate. The only memory of her eating is right now.

My father was eating too but he was at the table by himself while he would slowly ate the soup, but mostly he would stare at it. His face was still sad. His eyes were even more duller. The grey streaks in his hair was more visible than ever. And I looked up.

I promise mom.

I made my way towards the stove and got a bowl, while pouring some of the chicken soup in the bowl and then grabbing a spoon. Aphrodite was sitting at the island while my father was at the table.

I looked at both of them and my heart picked up slightly.

I held the bowl close to my chest while I looked at both of them, and then slowly I started to walk. I turned to the right and pulled out the chair.

I placed the bowl down while I looked at the same exact eyes as me. He raised an eyebrow while he looked over to Aphrodite who's getting seconds. I gave him a small smile and sat down. He stared at me while I was slowly eating. He narrowed his eyes slightly but then looked down at his soup and continued to play with it or gently ate some.

"How did you learn to make soup? Mom?" I knew I shouldn't have said mom, but I need to help him pull himself together like I have when I was young.

I saw his body tense but he stared at the soup. "No. Your aunt."

My eyebrow raised slightly while I ate some chicken, "where is she? I never knew I had a a-"

"You don't need to know Valdus. Just eat your soup and then go to sleep. It's already getting late." He got up with his bowl still halfway filled with soup, and carried it to the island while setting it down, and then walking away towards his room.

I sighed and looked down.

Well. It's a start in conversations.



I didn't know I was that hungry but will I tasted the first spoon full of this soup. My stomach didn't let me stop. I ate three bowls of the soup and my throat felt so much better. When I was finally full, I placed my bowl in the sink and looked over my shoulder, looking at Valdus's back. His head was looking down while he would move with each breath.

Alpha Valdus Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ