April 2013

110 22 1

Sorry it's short but I really hate remembering some moments and plus I feel really guilty because I've mad my baby brother struggle

Dear diary,

So it's April, 5 months into my treatment, still weak, still sick and still useless, nothing has changed this month, I've still been going to hospital but it has gone to every fortnight so that's good I guess.

I don't really know what to say everything seems slow and my mind is just blank almost like the chemotherapy has just washed my mind

18 April

It was my brothers birthday today, he said he had a good day but he wanted me to play with him and of course I disappointed him by saying no

As this month goes by I get mouth sores from all my chemotherapy and tablets that I take, I hate this because I can't even talk or eat at all

I don't know what I did to deserve this to be honest

I wasn't a bad child

I always ate healthy

Why did this happen?

Why couldn't this be a DREAM?

I just want it to go

Anyway that's all for this month, see you next month

Clarice Crothers

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