March 2013

121 24 1

Dear diary,

  Treatment was every week but I've been really sick through it so I've decided instead of writing a lot this month I'm going to describe some things for you.
Blood tests- This is where the doctors keep track of 4 different types of blood

•Haemoglobin- is the cell that carries oxygen around your body and makes the cells red

•White cells- These cells are what fight of infection

•Neutrophils- these cells are part of your body's natural defence system. If they are low you become neutropenic

•Platelets- these help your blood clot if you cut yourself

There was 5 phases of treatment I had to have

1.Induction- the first 5 weeks involves intensive treatment (Chemotherapy) aimed to destroy as many naughty cells as it can

2.Consolidation- after the first stage there is more chemo given to increase the chance of destroying the cancer (naughty cells) this can last 3-5 weeks or 10 weeks

3.Interim maintenance- this is to give a break of less intense treatment. This phase is about 2 months long

4.Delayed intensification- this combines the induction and consolidation phases to give intense chemo and destroy the leukaemia cells (when they are low). This take 7-8 weeks.

5.Maintenance- This phase is the longest but most gentle phase of treatment to reduce the risk of the leukaemia cells coming back at later stage. This lasts just under 2 years for girls and 3 for boys.

The names of the chemotherapy I had is

oCo-trimoxazode (tablets called septrin)

So that's all for this month,

Clarice Crothers

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