Chapter 7- "I'm not a stalker, love,"

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The soft rhythmic hum of the moving train was enough to keep me away from my thoughts... For a while at least. It wasn't long before they began pelting down ferociously on my mind once again.

I didn't even know who this guy was, yet here I was sitting next to him in a train that could lead me to anywhere. The fact that he'd let some random stranger into his pack which was hundreds of miles away seemed a little too nice. And what was he doing at my dead Alpha's funeral in the first place?

Just the thought of this mysterious creep made my head hurt. It had been quite a while since I had thought about another guy besides Dom. I didn't like it, and neither did the wolf inside of me.

I yawned, what time was it?

I began digging around in my bag which rested near my shoes for my phone. My heart began hammering when I realized that I had forgotten my phone. Of all the damn things...

I groaned and peered over at the guy's leather watch, which read 3:30. I shook my head, I guess I was stuck on this train for seven more hours, without my books or my phone. Of course I had packed all of my books, I would never forget those, but they were resting in my other bag which was on the storage shelf above our seats. Since I was sitting in the window aisle, that meant that I would have to get up, move past the guy and then wake him up so he could get my bag since I couldn't reach it. That would be too much hassle and I didn't want to interrupt his sleep anyways.

But man, I was bored as hell.

The same green trees had been blurring past my window endlessly, leaving me with nothing to do. Even the other passengers seemed to be occupied with something; One man was tapping away ferociously on his iPhone, probably busy with a game. A couple were snuggled together and whispering sweetly. One woman was engrossed in a novel, and I really wanted to reach out of my seat and capture the book for myself, hungry to dive into another world.

My eyes quickly darted to the guy's bag on the floor. My brain told me to stay put and not touch someone else's personal belongings, but my curiosity blocked out the logical side in me.

Carefully leaning down from the plush seat, I glanced at the guy making sure he was still fast asleep and then swiftly captured the bag and gently put it down on the right side of my seat, out of his vision. I zipped open the brown suede bag to see a wallet, a water bottle, a cellphone which looked unused, and a clipboard with a bunch of papers on it. The thing that caught my eye though, was a thick book that looked well loved. Gingerly pulling the red worn out paperback out of the bag, my eyes gleefully widened at the title, 'Dracula' by Bram Stoker. Ah, I always loved a good classic.

I gently zipped the bag back closed and placed it back down to its original position where it had rested a few minutes ago. I eagerly flipped open the book to see 'A. Northstar
' written on the inside cover, with impeccably neat handwriting. That meant his name could've been Aaron or Andrew or anything with the letter A.

I turned the crisp pages of the book to the first one and happily nestled into the corner of my seat, sinking into it. The good thing about books was that they'd never change, whether you were in your bedroom or on a train to your new life.

I didn't know how long I'd read for or how much time had passed, but on around page 234, my eyes fluttered and I set the book down on my chest. Perhaps I would close my eyes for a minute. But before that minute turned into a long restful sleep, I smiled at a few snowflakes which drifted outside through my window.



I groaned. Who was trying to wake me up while I was so comfortable and warm?

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