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The first week after the meeting was no different than any other. I played my role as good doctor during the main part of the day and most nights, but not all nights, I would give myself in to Scarecrow's control. I was currently in a state of limbo with my work; I didn't have a perfectly made toxin yet and I was yet to find a key ingredient. I was also bored, there wasn't enough chaos in Gotham at the time. The villains were losing their spontaneity and the contract idea was an example of that.

So, I decided to pay Edward Nigma a visit. He, alike me, lived in a relatively clutter-free apartment. We only owned what we didn't to get on with our lives and experiments. Nigma was now a full-time 'villain' whereas I still successfully had my egos separated as a psychiatrist and the master of fear.

I knocked on his door loudly five times in the pattern we made for each other. After a few moments the door cracked slightly so I could hear his words.

"I make you weak at the worst of all times.
I keep you safe, I keep you fine.
I make your hands sweat, and your heart grow cold,
I visit the weak, but seldom the bold.

What am I?"

"Why, Fear of course Eddy, I wonder why you even tried that one on me," My friend opened the door enough to let me in. He wasn't wearing his glasses today and he'd recently cut his hair slightly shorter again. I on the other hand needed to follow suit as a psychiatrist needed to maintain and well-kept appearance in Arkham.

"For insurance, it would be a terrible thing if a man could not answer a riddle to which the answer was his life's work," He wiggled his index finger at me. "And how is work?" He asked as a concerned friend.

"It lacks... something," I sat down on at the small table in the kitchen. He'd been frying grilled cheese sandwiches and I strongly hoped that I was going to be offered one as well. For now it was interesting to see my friend in his homely mannerisms; wearing a stripped navy apron and armed with a spatula. I continued, "I need something stronger, something that will make people fear things that they don't genuinely fear."

"If I was constructing your toxin from scratch with no in depth research I would attempt a potent mix of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Adrenaline and corticotrophin,"

"I see your reasons behind that, the strong hallucinogen accompanied with the hormones that are released when in fear, the issue doesn't lie as much with the effects on the body but more on the mind, I need them to see what I want them to see, not just anything,"

"Ask the Mad Hatter? Doesn't he enjoy mind tricks?" As if Eddy had read my mind earlier, I was greeted with a grilled cheese sandwich on a plate in front of me. I found myself grinning.

"Mad Hatter uses machines, I care nothing for that sort," I audibly hum in positive affirmation after trying the sandwich. "Thanks for the help though, and the food,"

"You know what Johnny," He slid onto the chair across from me and took a quick small bite out of his own food. "The whole villain alliance idea is a load of nonsense, It will make us all as fun as the law department in Gotham – which, may I remind you, is terribly boring," I nodded in agreement. "Let's team up! I'll help with your toxin development and you can come with me while I'm having my fun in Gotham!"

I wanted to tell Riddler in that moment that I didn't know what there was in Gotham. There was nothing to be gained at the end of the day and the only fun part was the ride. Sometimes I found myself taking interest in courting the Joker and building an alliance with him. That way he, in all his chaotic glory, could tear apart Gotham and I could decorate it with clouds of fear gas. In a sudden moment of emotion, I told my thoughts to Nigma.

"Working with the Joker?..." He began to giggle. "He never has a plan, he just acts when he feels,"

"That's the kind of chaos that Gotham needs, especially for us to have any form of fun," I used my hand that wasn't holding the cheese sandwich to pull my hair away from my face as it kept falling at the wrong moment.

"How do we get his attention?" My lips curved into a smile when I realised my friend was siding with my idea. How indeed.

Gotham's Finest : A Villain's PerspectiveWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu