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Abid's Pov

Date- 11 August 2015                 

Almost two days passed,but she neither sent me any messages nor came online on Chatbook. I really did not know what happened to her.

I eagerly waited for her the whole night, and this is the third night,but still there is no sign of her. I slept at 4 o'clock.

Today I have to go out of India for almost two months with my dad. I told him that I was not interested in any business deals with him. But he did not listen to any of my excuses. So here I am waiting for my flight at Mumbai Airport.

I checked one last time for any messages from Miss Areena before switching off my mobile, but there were none. It upsets me. I really want to talk to her.


Areena's Pov

I got up from my bed when Mamma screamed my name.
I quickly ran downstairs. She is sitting beside Papa on the sofa. He did not look well; his right hand was grabbing his chest, and he was growing in pain.

For a minute or two, I just stood there watching. Then Mumma's voice echoed in my ears.

"Call the ambulance, Areena."
I quickly dialed 109 and called the ambulance.

My mom called my uncle, and he arrived on time. They take Papa to the hospital. And before I left, Momma gave me the responsibility of my younger brother.

After making breakfast for my brother. I went back to my room and called her.
Mumma picked up the call after the sixth ring.

Me: Assalamualaikum Mummy. What happened to Papa? Is he okay now?

Mumma: (after a huge silence)
The doctor said that your father had a Heart Attack. It is in serious condition. They gave him injections, and your father is in the ICU now.

She said this in her weeping tone. After listening to her words, I am shocked. I don't believe it. Tears started falling from my eyes. I can't believe something happened to my papa; he is my hero.

Mumma: Areena, just pray to Allah; everything is going to be alright. Just pray beta.

She said that, and I nodded, unable to form any words. I cut the call because I am not in my sense now. I sat on my bed and cried.

But this is not the right time for crying!

I got up and went to the bathroom. Take a shower and make wuzu. I prayed Salats (Namaz), recited the Quran, and made dua.

"Ya Allah, please bless my father with your blessings; he needs it. I love him so much that I can't see him in pain. Please forgive our sins and shower our blessings on us."

I am continuously crying while praying. I performed Sajdah (downing my head in front of Allah) as it comforts me. I am feeling very disturbed and lonely right now. I recite the ayats of the Quran in Sajdah.

I suddenly woke up to my phone ringing as I slept in Sajdah. I run towards my bed and pick up the call.

Mumma told me that Papa is fine now; he is out of danger. I take a relieved breath. After cutting the call, I prayed two Salats of Shukrana.

Papa was discharged from the hospital after three days. All my uncles and aunts were present when he arrived.

That sudden attack made Papa and me weak too. I just hope and pray to Allah that everything will be alright.



Thank you for reading.

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