Chapter 19: What Women Want

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“Let’s take five, everyone.”

Aidan made eye contact with Kate through the glass partition of the rehearsal studio, gesturing with his head for her to meet him out in the corridor during the break. He’d been engrossed in the music when she arrived earlier, only exchanging the briefest of waves when he noticed her come in.

Now he grabbed her hand and led her toward a spare office down the hall, away from where the other band members and crew were milling around.

“So how was shopping?” he asked over his shoulder as they walked. "Did you have fun?"

“Oh yes. Fun fun fun.”

There was a bite to her tone that made him glance at her face. “What happened? Did you buy anything?”


He pulled to a stop just inside the door of the little office and put his arms around her waist, bending down to peck her on the lips before he spoke again. “Are you going to tell me what you bought?”

“Cocktail dress.” She leaned forward and rested her face against his chest, presenting him with a view of the top of her head.

“That sounds nice.”

“Yeah, it better be,” she said into his chest.

“OK then. So…”  He hesitated for a moment, trying to gauge the reason for her bad mood. “Um, can I have my card back?”

She chuckled and nodded, reaching her hand into her pocket. “Here ya go,” she said, shooting him a frosty smile as she placed in his hand the remnants of his credit card, now cut up into four pieces.

“What the fuck, Kate! You cut it up?”

“No, Aidan. I didn’t cut it up. The helpful lady at the Gucci store did that.”

He looked back and forth from her face to the pieces of plastic in his hand. “This is my Amex Black Card!”

She shrugged. “I believe the Amex fraud department may have left you a few messages this morning?”

“Shit.” He pulled a cellphone out of his pocket and looked down at the blackened screen. “I guess I forgot to turn it back on after the TV spot.”

“Yeah, there may be a few messages from me on there as well,” she replied. “You might just want to delete those.”

He flicked the phone on and looked at the screen. Thirty-seven missed calls. “Kate! What the hell happened?”

She shrugged again. “I told you. I bought a cocktail dress.”


“And I gave them your card,” she continued. “And then I spent my morning with a lovely man from Gucci security and a very nice LAPD detective, talking my way out of a grand larceny charge—”


“—which would have been a hell of a lot easier if I could have gotten ahold of my alleged larceny victim on some sort of communication device. Like, maybe a walkie-talkie? Or a telegram? Or—“

“OK,” he interrupted, beginning to grasp the reason for her annoyance. “You’re mad because my phone was off.”

“Ding ding ding! Give this man a prize!”

“I’m sorry!”

“I was inches from getting arrested, Aidan. Inches!”

“I don’t understand. Aren’t you supposed to be some kind of fancy lawyer or something?”

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