~ chapter 1 ~

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Third pov

After papyrus and the little ones had fallen asleep for a while his brother sans finally came home from work. Bursting through the door in a fit of anger. After a long day of work while on his way back home a whole bunch of humans tried to attack him with pranks of all kinds. He growled angrily as he stomped up stairs waking a certain being up. The small bunny neko yawned and open her eyes, she sat up and turned her ears and head to the cause of the sound. She giggled quietly and crawled out of bed, reaching the door out of the room she was currently in she poked her little head out to see another skeleton unlock a door. She giggled again but it wasn't loud enough for him to hear so she smiled and began to crawl to him. He opened the door just wide enough for her to slip past him and crawl under his bed where he sat on, he lifted on leg up and took off a boot then threw it over to a dark corner. He stood up again and began to change in to more comfortable clothing. " dam do i hate humans, why do we even have to make peace with the fucking filth bucke-....". He stopped in mid_sentence when he spotted a small tiny being sitting in front of him. She looked up at him with sparkles in her eyes as she giggled and lifted her arms out to him. Sans who was beyond confused more then pissed hesitantly picked up the small child in one of his arms. He examined them closely. " how in asgore did you get in here?". He asked her. She replied back with a soft coo and snuggles in to his chest giving off a low pur like sound. Something in sans sparked once. It felt more different then the ruff attitude he had. He felt something more then that. He examined the small child closer with a smug like gaze. She giggled as he lifted her up in the air. ( sans you perv!) " hmm it appears that you are a female, your were born months ago as well". He set her on his bed and stood up in front of her. He put his knuckle up to his mouth lost in his thought of how the small child found their way in their home to begin with. Them a thought came to his mind. He sighed and shook his head. " papyrus...". I sighed and picked the child back up again. Turning back around he left his room, stomping towards his older brothers. He gave the door four heavy thuds and waited for a bit. Soft panicked shuffles behind the door and not a few moments later papyrus appeared in the doorway. A sweat drop places on his head as his brother stood there with a child on one side of his hips while a hand was on the other. Sans tapped his foot and glared at papyrus

" papyrus, mind telling me why there is a small child in my bedroom....and how it got in to our house?".  His brother shifted nervously as sans eyes stared in to his. " i...i brought them here..".  " them?" as if on cue the small fox neko poked her head out from behind him and looked up at sans. Her blue orbs sparkling with innocence. Papyrus queried back in fear knowing hid brother would flip. Sans eye did twitch but he gave a huge sigh of defeat and turned away still having the bunny neko in his hands. He began walking away leaving papyrus in complete confusion.

" u..um, m'lord? "

" You found them in an alleyway yes?"

" y..yes m'lord"

" Then that means the person who owned them last didn't want to take care of them, and there's two of them so we can each take care of one. The fox obviously likes you so you can take of her and i'll take the bunny.".

Hearing his own brother say this made papyrus surprised, sans usually doesn't allow pets in the house. After watching sans walked back in to his room papyrus gave out a sigh of relief. At least the small ones will be ok, speaking so maybe he should give her a bath. Get some of dirt and grim off her.

He gently pick her up and headed to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and set her down on the ground,  he leaned over the bath tub and turned the water on letting it fill up. He turned back around facing the fox neko, he smiled softly at how she was curiously sniffing the air around.  " curious little thing huh?". His smile grew more when the fox child held his arms out to him while she let out a soft coo. Picking her up he carefully undressed her. After he got her clothes completely off he went to put her in the tub, as he did she immediately clinged on to him whimpering. He sighed and gently pulled her off of him. " i knew it wouldn't be that easy."  he knelt down next to the tub with the scared child then leaned forward making her tip back. All that was left was to get her arms off of his neck, so he grabbed her wrists and pulled them apart. She dangled over the water as she whined softly. Papyrus shook his head, then gently lowered her in to the bath. She struggled at first but as soon as her feet hit the water she realized it wasn't dangerous. But just to be sure she sniffed it cautiously. Papyrus couldn't help but chuckle at her cuteness.

Soon after he got her head wet, then grabbing the shampoo he dabbed some in his hand and began to wash her hair, making sure he got the dirt and grime out of her orang-ish strands of hair and off of her body. After him rising off her hair and fully getting her clean he pulled the plug out and grabbed a pink fluffy towel. He leaned down and picked her up out of the tub. He sat her on the floor then began drying her off. She tried every resist every urge to shake but in no avail she failed and her whole head shook back and forth spraying water everywhere.

Papyrus leaned back as he chuckled then wrapped her back up in the towel like a burrito. He held her close to his chest then left the bathroom and towards his room. " hmm...what could you wear? Oh i got it.". He reached in to his closet and pulled out a onesie from when his brother was smaller. " this should work." he said walking back over to her. She giggled as she reached her little arms out to him. He smiled and laid her back drying her body off a bit more. Then another thing hit him, shit they don't have diapers. Papyrus panicked. He made sure the neko was ok then teleported to the store in to the baby aisle. He grabbed diapers,pacifiers, baby bottles, and some toys for the girls to play with.

Teleporting back he noticed his neko had fallen asleep on his bed. Her tail wrapped around her in form of a blanket and her ears pressed to her head. Papyrus almost nosebleed at this sight. He soon calmed down then with ease picked the small child up and got her dressed in a hello kitty diaper and the light blue onesie.

He then set her back on to his bed and sighed. He took hid shoes off then laid in the bed next to her. He pulled her close to him as he played with a strand of her hair. " good night sweetheart.....see you in the morning.".

Then he slowly drifted off to sleep with her by his side.

End of chapter 1

Word count 1332

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