~ prologue~

415 4 10

Third pov

It has been several weeks after the monster gain freedom back on the surface. Yes life was hard with the humans but with some time they finally accepted the monsters on the surface with peace. A pair of two monsters, siblings to be exact had found their home on the surface. A small little spot in a quiet neighborhood. Satisfied with this new home they moved in and got settled down. Not many humans took kindly to this though for there were still a few stragglers of negative and judgmental humans that hated monster but it could never bother the two seeming how one was shirt and absolutely hated humans with a passion, while the other one was chill and laid back about it, it would either laugh or wave the insults off like it was nothing.of course there were other monsters around but not as much as their were humans, non the less they both loved it on the surface. Blue skies, fluffy white clouds and the most beautiful sun ever. They couldn't ask for a better planet.

It was a normal day for the two monster siblings. The shorter one sans would wake up at 6 as always and get ready for work, his brother papyrus however would sleep in until 12 in the afternoon, when he does wake up he usually would go out for a walk to muffets or just stay at home and chill, but today was different. While he was on his walk before he got to the street he had to turn on to there was a slight detour off to route. He groaned in frustration as he passed by the accident. " another car accident? Really?" he huffed as he pocketed his hands. He kept his way on down the path untill his ears(?) caught a sound. It wasn't any normal sound, to him it had sounded like a baby crying. Wanting to investigate it more he followed to where the noise was coming from. He reached an alley way between two buildings of some sort, he paid no mind to it. All his is set on is what the hell that noise is and why it won't stop. Walking down the narrow road he came to a complete stop when he had got closer to the sound.

" Waaah! Aaaah! "

He flinched and covered his ears groaning in response. ' dam it is a baby '. Looking around the area he tried his best not to lose his cool on not to kill the dam thing and make it shut up. Finally he found a small basket covered up with a pink blanket. He sighed and pulled the blanket back to reveal not one but two small baby Neko's clinging on to one another. One was smaller then the other, the smallest one was the one crying while the oldest just laid there hugging it in comfort.

Papyrus jolted back at what he just found. ' Neko's? What are they doing out here and not in some fancy rich house getting spoiled?'. He carefully examined the two. The oldest one had light blue hair and green eyes. He neko form is a bunny. ' huh that's pretty cute. '. She wore a soft white night gown that was also covered up by another blanket. The youngest one had cream-orange hair with blue eyes. She was a fox neko. ' huh how cliché, a fox and a bunny, its so cliché its funny!' he thought as he looked around for any one who might of been watching. He groaned once more remembering the younger one was still crying. He knelt down then with carefulness he gently pick the basket up in one arm and wrapped the other around the top so they didn't fall out. The younger one seemed to calm down a little after words but was about to pick back up again once her tummy started to growl. Papyrus rubbed the tip of his forehead as pushed a binki in to her mouth to shut her up.

( don't ask how he had a binki just roll with it)

" listen here you two, i'll be happy to take you home but you better be on you best behavior, my brother doesn't take to kindly to disrespecting brats understand?". He explained slash technically threatened the small nekos. They both looked at him and tilted their heads in the same direction. Papyrus couldn't help but blush a little at this scene, it was no lie that nekos are so cute and popular now a days. People have been buying them from pet stores off the bat, there are all kinds of nekos. Dog's, cat's, bunnies, foxes, even mice. It was kinda weird for him and his brother to get use to it but once they did it was a whole lot easier.

Papyrus sighed as he walked up the pathway to his home. As he was about to open the front door to his home a person clearing their throat caught his attention. He groaned once more already knowing who it was, Linda ( god dam bitch!). He gave his best fake smile as he turned to her. She had her arms crossed over her chest while her foot did a tapping rhythm. " linda."

" papyrus. Mind telling me what that basket is?".

" as i recall this has nothing to do with you, so why don't you stop being a nosy bitch and fuck off!"

Before she could even reply back to him he had already went through his door and slammed it out of anger scaring the two little ones. As they began to cry he glared down at them and roughly set the basket on the floor. He sat down next to the basket and took one of the two out of the basket and then set them on the floor next to him. He did the same to the other one as well, when he set it down he looked back at the basket in hoped of finding any clues on where the two came from and why they were alone. " let's see here...what! There's nothing here but a bunch of neko shit!". He screamed out. The young fox neko burst out in tears again while flopping on to her back in a blaze starting to throw a tantrum. Papyrus groaned more as he picked her up in his arms and gently patted her back in a smoothing manner, thus calming the baby down. He the. Set he back in the basket to let her rest and sleep a little before his lordship gets home. He went to grab the other one but noticed she was gone. He looked around till he spotted her trying to climb up on to the couch. He glared slightly as he summoned his magic around and pulled her over to him. She giggled a slight bit when she had got over to him and reached out to poke him but he just grabbed on to her small form and set her on the basket as well. He picked it back up again and went up to his room where once again the bunny neko tried to climb up on to him while he was sleeping.

He gave out a sleepy groan and gave her a stern look. He pinched the Back of her dress and set her back in her basket. She whined and reached her as out to him but he only scoffed and rolled to his side ignoring her request to be held. She sniffled a little before she started up a few more good whimpers and he fell for it instantly. He sat up in his bed, reached down to pick her up and set her next to him. He sat back up again and did the same to the other but with her on the same side of her sister. Having no choice but to sleep she softly yawned and began to fall in to a deep slumber. He hummed softly as he watched the small neko slowly fall asleep next to her already sleeping friend. He too started to get tired as his eyes became heavy and chest slowing down in movement as he began to fad in to a deep sleep.

Word count 1380

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