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Criss got me back to the Luxor where he kissed me quickly and said he had to go right now...that he was the main event and he was late for his own show...then he told me that what he wanted me to wear was laid out on the bed...but he added I didn't have to wear it...he would just love it if I would...then he raced down the hall to the elevator...and before the doors closed he blew a kiss to me...I smiled at him wondering what he was up to...then I went into the bedroom...and saw the very beautiful evening dress...and matching shoes. I thought about it...as I was getting into the dress...but I was interrupted by my two brothers just outside the door...I went over to the door, and opened it and told them to come in...Mark looked around and was very impressed with Criss's suite.

I slipped on my last shoe and asked them what they wanted...Mark jumped right into it...and said that now that he and Abby were married...and their reserved time was up at the hotel...that it was time to go home...I looked at them both and told them goodbye...and that I would miss them...but there was no way I was leaving now...not when I was so happy with Criss...and if he found out that I was even thinking about leaving he'd go into spastic's...and quickly tell me 101 reasons why I couldn't leave him...all of them ending in because he loved me...and I just couldn't do that to him...or me...besides, I also promised Klayton that I would make his double chocolate fudge cake for his birthday in a few more days...and I never break a promise after making one.

Tommy was actually being the reasonable one out of the two this time...and said he was very happy for me...and that maybe they'd come back and visit in a few months...but Mark said absolutely not!!...there was no way they were leaving their little sister in Las Vegas with some guy that does parlor tricks for a living...that our parents would kill them...if they ever decided to come home...or if they even remembered how many kids they had...I kissed Mark on the cheek and told him that I knew how he was feeling...but him asking me to go home and leave Criss alone...was like me telling him to divorce Abby and leave her for me...and I would never do that to him...so why would he want to do that to me.

I looked at my phone and noticed the time...and told them I couldn't argue anymore with them...that I had to be down in the theater for Criss's performance...because he was dedicating one of his performances to me...then I asked them to come down with me...Tommy followed and said he wouldn't miss it...Mark grumbled a little...but I grabbed him and told him to get his grumbling ass down there and watch the show with me...once we got to the theater...Doug Malloy one of Criss's crewmates came to me and told me to follow him for my special seating...my brother's followed too...where we got to set just out of site from the crowd on the stage behind the curtain. My Criss was so riveting on the stage...everyone seemed to just be drawn to his energy...and it was actually breathtaking to see...Tommy and Mark were both shocked at how awesome he was...and that he could do things that neither one of them could explain.

After Criss did his demonstration with the ladder and him walking up and down it straight out instead of up and down like normal...he then walked up the walls...then levitated from the ceiling to the floor of the stage...Criss always went barefooted when he performed on the stage...in a way I thought it was sexy...especially when I could see his black fingernail polish on his toes and hands...once he reached the floor he walked up to the front of the stage with his headset turned on...and said he would like them all to meet a very special guest tonight...then he talked for hours about how special I was without mentioning my name...but by what he was saying I knew it was me...because we had just done those things just recently...then he turned to where I was...and told me to close my eyes...the next thing I know I was coming out of a cloud of Co2 smoke...and I was right in front of him...and the very large and cheering crowd.

Criss spun me around and told everyone that my name was Kc...and that I was his Sweet Bess, his Snuggle Bunny, and his all around sexy Kc Kitten...I was now blushing but for all the lighting I don't think they noticed...plus they were still pretty much fixated on Criss...then suddenly he did a magical spin and dropped to his knees...and handed me a dozen white roses first...then while in front of an enormous crowd...and my brothers...he held up a ring...and proposed to me...I was completely dumbfounded by what was happening right now...I looked up and saw all our friends on the far side of the stage behind the curtain across from where my brothers were standing completely shocked as well...and shook their heads at me to say yes to him.

I looked behind me at my brothers...and saw Tommy shaking his head yes to me...and Mark telling me no...I looked down at Criss and held out my hand to him...so he could place the ring on my finger...as he slowly slid the ring on...he told me that he would love and cherish me for the rest of his life...then when he stood up he lifted me in the air and spun me in three circles very happily...then yelled at the crowd and told them that I said YES!!!...then he told them to stand up and give me a shout out!!...They all jumped up and cheered...and shouted out my name...it was extraordinary...so I gave them all a bow...and told them thank you very much...then I reached up and gave Criss a whopping kiss in front of all of them...which made them really go wild...when I pulled away...it was Criss's turn to blush.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now