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We all made it to the dinner party that we thought Sully and Sandy set up...but we were wrong...for they were as much in the dark as we were...and said that they just got a message telling them to tell all of us to meet them here at the restaurant...just then Kim came in with a surprise guest wrapped around her waist...we all looked at her and asked her who her friend was...she looked at me and said this was her boyfriend...and it was the reason for her bringing all of us together...to tell us all that she and Tom Hiddleston...have been dating for three weeks, and she wanted to celebrate their fourth week anniversary with her friends...and their boyfriends.

We all stood up and congratulated them both...and told her how happy we were that she found someone...Criss never let go of my hand thru the entire dinner...then during dessert...Criss pulled me on his lap as we fed each other...Klayton noticed the fun we were having and decided to try it out himself with Rachel...which in turn got everyone trying it...I looked at Criss and told him what he started...he said yeah he knew...then he added wasn't it awesome that he could get everyone to copycat him...just by having fun with his girl. We all had a laugh as we toasted with everyone...congratulating each other for our relationships...and hoping that they last forever.

After we finished dinner...Klayton jumped up and said it was time to go partying at one of the dance clubs...so we all could have some fun...and waste some energy...and lose some of the food we just ate...plus enjoy the fun of each other's company...Criss smiled and said he always enjoyed my company no matter what he was doing...as long as I was with him...he was happy. Criss kissed my neck and said I had to promise him that I would never ever leave him...I grabbed both sides of his cheeks...and squeezed playfully and promised him that I would never ever leave him. 

Rachel looked at Klayton and grabbed him by his piercing...and asked him if he was ever going to trade her in for someone else...Klayton chuckled and told her not while she was holding him by his piercing he wasn't about to tell her anything but what she wanted to hear...Rachel giggled at him...and said then she would just never let that piercing go...and she wouldn't have any problems with him...Klayton playfully grabbed her up in his arms...and said that he loved his RayRay...and he would never have any wants to trade her in for anyone else...because he was a huge believer in not fixing things that wasn't broken...and their relationship was flawless.

Sandy didn't have to ask Sully a damn thing...because he was very possessive...and demanded her attention constantly...and he refused to look at another female...Sandy was his Sexy lil Sass..as he would call her...which kinda fit her attitude pretty well...for she was extremely sassy all the time, but they were totally enamored with each other...and what had me even wrought with envy...was that Sandy didn't even have to use any magic potion to get him...he magnetized to her all on his own...and they were bonded like a magnet to steel. I didn't know much about Tom that much...except that he was very nice, polite, and that he showed his love very well to Kim...and he was another guy that had a very sexy accent...where you could just sit there and listen to him talk all night just to hear his voice...my Crazy Crissy had that attractive voice too...and I just loved hearing him...no matter what he was talking about...I even loved it when he gets tongue tied...he was so cute when he gets angry...unless he gets extremely pissed...that's when you know it's time to run and hide...and when he starts talking so fast that his English turns into Greek very quickly...that was your cue to start running away. Luckily, I have never seen him get that pissed...yet...and hopefully I won't ever have to see it...because Klayton told me it wasn't pretty at all.

We finally made it to the dance club 'Body English'...where we had a few drinks...then we danced our hearts out...after a few songs we did a little group dancing...then we switched partners...until Criss became insecure and said he needed his Bess back...that was the cue to get back to our original partners...it was the most fun we had as a group in a long time...by the time we all headed out the door all of us girls were all just a little bit wasted...so our men had to carry us home...Criss and I followed Klayton and Rachel to his house...so I could pick up Xristos...and just to find out...I asked Loki if he wanted to go home with me too...but Loki had the wants...but his want to be with Klayton was a little stronger...so I gave him a pat...and told him that it was ok...then I told him to stay...Xristos pulled me out of the house, wanting to go for his nightly walk...before going back to my room...but Criss said he would be fine coming with us to his place...I asked him what about Hammie...Criss looked at Xristos and said he wouldn't hurt Hammie...that it would be alright...if we just introduced them slowly.

We walked up to his suite as I made his leash very short...to let him know that he needed to show respect me...by staying close to me...Criss opened the door...and Hammie was on the counter just laying there waiting for Criss to come and pick him up...but as soon as Hammie saw Xristos...he jumped down...and oddly enough ran right up to him...and rubbed up against him...Criss smiled and said Hammie thought Xristos was Oso...Xristos wagged his tail as the cat greeted him...and began to give him a bath...I looked at him...and said Xristos never been in contact with a cat before. Criss said that wolf hybrids usually have the instinct for being in a pack...and just maybe Xristos accepted Hammie as his new companion beens Loki was no longer with him all the time...I looked at Criss and asked him what he thought about me giving Loki to Klayton, beens he's imprinted on him so strongly. Criss smiled at me and told me that Loki would be a perfect birthday present for Klayton...then added that his birthday was coming up in 5 days.

💕LOVE POTION #9💕( A Criss Angel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now