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Chapter 84

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It was hard not to look bored. Very hard. I wasn't sure who the woman leading the tour was, but her voice was so monotone that even I – a Nightstalker – was tempted to yawn. Thankfully, we were almost done.

"Oh. Hello, ladies," a familiar voice said from behind the group.

What was it about new women that always made Ben show up like a mosquito to a campfire? When I turned around, sure enough, Ben's eyes were semi-glazed in adoration as he examined the group, admiring each possibly eligible lady.

When his gaze lingered on Jess, I stepped between them and flashed a tooth in warning, accompanying it with a growl. He immediately paled and took a step back. Chloe was smarter and darted off to the side, disappearing into a nearby shed.

"Uh, that would be your sister, then?"

"Yes." I didn't look away, making sure Ben knew I was serious. "I didn't like your flirting before, and I'm less inclined to tolerate it now."

Everyone was staring at us, and if the handful of newcomers hadn't known of Ben's reputation before, they did now.

With cringed shoulders, he shuffled backward. "Ah, duly noted. In that case, I think I'll take my leave."

"You're one of those protective sisters, huh?" Nicky commented. She grinned at Ben's hasty departure even though most of the bystanders were still somewhat taken aback by my growl.

"Yeah," Jess said, "she never liked flirters, although I've never seen her chase someone away so fast before."

"Oh, trust me," Nicky said, shaking her head. "You should be relieved she sent Ben packing. All he ever wants to talk about is how beautiful someone's eyes or hair is, and that gets insanely boring after hearing it fifty times!"

Her words made me comment, "I don't think I've ever seen him try to charm you."

She shrugged. "After his first attempt, he said he'd rather use nettles for toilet paper than flirt with me. I even brought him an entire armful of nettles just to make him choose!" She paused with a sudden frown. "Now that I think of it, he must not have used them because he never had problems sitting or walking. I believe I have to go have a talk with him."

The look of determination on her face almost made me feel sorry for Ben. Almost. Perhaps this would show him how the women he pursued felt. It wasn't anything I was going to intervene in.

Ben may have left, but the furball hadn't come out of the shed yet. Since Jess had always loved dogs, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to introduce them to each other. Chloe wasn't the only dog in this place, but if my sister was around me much, this canine was one of the few who'd let her near.

"Want to say hi to the mutt in the shed?" I asked her. "Her name is Chloe."

"Umm." Jess hesitated, looking between the group and the shed, conflicted.

"The only thing in this direction is the archery lanes, and I can show you those later tonight."

The woman leading the group piped up, "After this, all that's left is discussing which tasks she wants to try and getting her in touch with the right people."

"I can handle that," I told both of them.

"In that case, sure. I'd love to meet Chloe." Jess perked up at the thought of meeting a dog.

"Go to the shed door and call her name. She might take a bit of coaxing."

She readily followed my instructions, although she had barely called Chloe's name before the husky immediately came to greet her new friend, already having forgotten about my growl.

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