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Chapter 78

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I accompanied Nina to the dining hall for breakfast. Nicky tagged along, calmer now than before. As Nina and Nicky dished up their plates, a few people stared at us in confusion, trying to figure out why I stood beside them like an impromptu bodyguard while Daniel was absent. They must not have heard the news yet.

We took our usual table in the far corner, although I paid more attention to the people entering and leaving the hall than to the two women I was sitting with. Nicky didn't even bother offering me a piece of fruit after having been turned down so many times.

None of the food here appealed to me. As much as I hated to admit it, the controlex had made my life easier when it removed the bloodlust, although the restlessness at night was a pain in the butt if I didn't remain inconspicuous. Much like feral zombies, the lack of human food also meant I no longer needed bathroom breaks.

I didn't see any of the strays I had guided through the forest, which I thought was kind of strange. My instincts shifted in agreement. The odds of them not showing up for food after going hungry for several days were slim to none. They might have already eaten and left, but I doubted it. It was also possible some of the locals were keeping them away from Nina after the pyromaniacs' last plan.

Nina glanced at the clock on the wall as she finished eating. "When Daniel comes back, he'll probably check the lab first since I'm usually in there."

"I can tell the gate guards, and they can let him know when he returns," Nicky offered.

"That's a good idea," Nina said. "Thank you."

As we left the dining hall, the whispering behind us increased, which only vexed my instincts further. I was certain word of this morning's events would be common knowledge whenever we came out of the lab.

Nicky went to relay the information while I followed Nina to the secondary building. I relaxed as we plodded down the stairs. There was only one entrance to guard, so I'd know the instant someone showed up. And with just Nina down here, there was no one around to stare at us.

Nina went into a room I hadn't been in before. Rows of shelves contained hundreds of small test tubes and glass bottles with various colored liquids inside. Every single one had a label with Nina's meticulous handwriting.

She shrugged in apology as she sat in front of a large machine. "Sorry, but this is very boring for observers."

I pulled a stool closer to the doorway. "At this moment, I'll take being bored over the alternatives. It makes my life easier."

The longer I sat, the more I realized Nina hadn't been joking. She continued putting drops of chemicals onto slides and sliding them into various slots in the machine. Occasionally, the smell of Runner blood floated over. Some vials had rather strong and unpleasant odors. Page after page were slowly filled with what I assumed were detailed notes.

The sound of the door opening had me leaning my head out the door to check who was at the top of the stairs.

"It's just Nicky."

"I don't want her in this room."

With a sigh, I stood up and went to intercept the redhead on the stairs. Nina's words didn't surprise me, not with how hard she was concentrating. I went down the hallway as the redhead reached the bottom of the stairs.

What could I do with her? As tempting as it was to send her out of the lab, I decided against it. She'd likely cause problems if she was left unsupervised, and if an unwelcome person did locate the lab, Nicky's presence could prove to be a benefit. She probably knew how to use her sword, or at least swing it around in such a way that an intruder would reconsider their visit. If nothing else, she was quite loud and distracting when she put her mind to it.

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