Chapter Thirty-three

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"We love to live and we live to love."

Perli's eyes widened with a gasp. Quickly, she grabbed her T-shirt from the ground to cover herself. She had just begun undressing for a bath when he barged in without knocking.

"What are you doing?!" she shouted at him. "Get out! Get out!"

Jack's sleep wore off at the sound of her shouts and his eyes snapped to her. He chuckled to himself, and a smirk found its way on his lips. Carefully, he pushed the door shut behind him and made his way towards the sink as if nothing was happening.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were in," he said innocently, pulling out a toothbrush and toothpaste from the holder on top of the basin.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Of course," she grunted, then muttered something angrily to herself. "Now out!"

"What?" he smiled dumbly, as if not knowing what she meant by those words.

He turned to face her standing awkwardly on her spot and holding on to her T-shirt for dear life. The look on her face told of the embarrassment she felt. Even with a frowning face, he could still make out the pinkish glow of her cheeks.

She pointed at the closed door. "Jack, get out!" she commanded. "You'll have to wait for your turn."

He leaned against the sink with a childish chuckle. "Why should I? You're my wife," he stated, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "So, there's nothing wrong with you bathing or showering in my presence."

Annoyed, Perli crossed her arms over her chest. "Yes, there is! I don't see you bathing in my—"

"I just want to brush my teeth," shrugging, he interrupted her and tried to make her see how normal all this was. "It's not a big deal."

"Well- well," she bumbled, her eyes searchingly looking around her. "You can always do that after I'm done."

"Look, your nice bath is going to turn cold. And I am sure in this cold weather, you would like a—" He quickly ducked at a slipper thrown at his face. The slipper hit the mirror and fell into the basin. He met her eyes; a grin shaped the lips of his half-shocked face.

"Whoa!" he breathed, seeing how lucky he was to almost get another blue eye, after the healing of the one Liz gave him.

"Leave! Get out! Get out!" Perli shouted again, grabbing her other slipper, and threatening to throw it at him.

He laughed, raising his hands to show surrender. "Okay, okay," he burst out breathlessly, putting his toothbrush and the toothpaste back into the holder. "I'm going."

With that said, he left the bathroom. Closing the door behind him, he heard a tired groan emerging. He laughed to himself, moving towards the bed they were forced to share the night before. He could still vividly remember the argument that broke out between Liz and Perli about it when he managed to stumble upon their conversation.

"I thought we had chosen an apartment with more rooms," Perli's voice sounded confused.

There was a giggle from Liz. "Well, not quite, I changed the reservation."

"You did what?!"

"Shhh," Liz hushed her, "keep your voice down, they might hear us."


"You're married to the man; don't you think it's weird sleeping in different rooms?"

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