Chapter 27

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Allison's P.O.V

"He said I don't deserve to have a happy ending and he tired to kill me."


I don't say anything for a while until I finally say "Troy"

"Baby I'm so sorry." Blake says pulling me into a hug. "I'll never let him hurt you, I promise."

We lay back down and go to sleep but it feels like it was only a minute before someone ran into my room screaming.

"Oh my god!!!! Allison Blake wake up!!!" I hear Caitlyn yell.

"Ugg what?!?" I whisper scream half asleep.

"William and Aquarius were arguing and he almost hit her!!" She screams

After I hear that I'm up and out of bed fully waking up Blake in the process.

"He what?!? Please tell me someone kicked his ass for even thinking about hitting my best friend?!?" I ask putting on some shorts under Blake's t-shirt.

"No, Alex and Drake broke it up and they are all in the back yard talking to him and Amanda is in the kitchen with her right now calming her down."

"Ok well let's go."

We talk to Aquarius about everything and she says that she took care of him for trying to hit her and that the reason why they were arguing was because this girl kept liking everything he posted on Instagram and Facebook, she was even texting him knowing he was with Aquarius and he texted her back with flirty texts.

I was pissed why would he sit there and basically cheat on my best friend, she was amazingly beautiful, loving, shy, goofy, and the best one yet everything you could ask for in a girlfriend.

But of course William had to ruin it by talking to some girl named Anna, God even her name is ugly.

Blake talked to him and gave me his side of the story saying that's not how it happened and he told her to stop texting him and that Aquarius was making it a big deal when is wasn't. Yea ok.

The boys left the house so we could hangout without having William there and just have some girl time.

We went for a little swim but we started to get hungry so we ordered some pizza, while we waited we all took a quick shower and put on some pjs.

When I finally got done I went downstairs to see them in the living room laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask taking a seat on the couch.

"We were actually talking about you and Blake." Amanda says still laughing.

"Ok... but what's so funny?" I was actually curious now.

"We were just talking about how when you were like 13 you planned out your entire life with Blake and how you had a big crush on him since you were like 10 and now you might actually have your planned out life with him." Caitlyn said laughing.

Ok so yea I planned out my future with a guy I had a crush on but who doesn't when your like 13, and besides he wasn't the only one. I mean I was going to marry Justin Bieber and live happily ever after but I was a 13 year old ok so sue me.

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