Chapter 21

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Blake's P.O.V

"Who the fuck are you?!?" I screamed.

And that's when Allison fainted, before she hit the ground I caught her.

"We need to take her to a doctor!" Aquarius screamed

"We know that!! But how we rode in a limo!" Britney yelled

"Duhh call a ambulance while we try to wake her up!" Amanda yelled

But while they were all screaming I was just sitting there with her in my arms thinking.

Why was she in her undergarments with just a jacket on? Why did she start hitting me?Was she ok?

All this running around in my head. I know I shouldn't have yelled that to her but I was just angry. I love Allison she's my everything my world, I would be nothing without her and I know she would never cheat on me.

I sat there shaking her trying to wake her up, screaming her name, everything to try and wake her up.

Alex called 911 and they were there in like 10 minutes. They put her on the stretcher and in the back of the ambulance. I told Alex to go ahead and get in with her but he let me go instead, I thanked him while I jumped in.

We got to the hospital in about 20 minutes. They rushed her in yelling everything they knew about her condition with me holing her hand running beside of her bed just thinking.

Come on Allison wake up baby.You have to wake up.

I was knocked out of my thinking when some nurse said.

"Sir you are going to have to wait in the waiting room."


"No buts you need to stay in here, she'll be fine we will take good care of her, I promise."

I went in the waiting room and lied down on the couch. I called everyone, told them what floor I was on and just waiting for the doctor to be done with her.

They all made it there in about 30 minutes, they brought some food from McDonald's, did I mention I love my friends.

"Hey dude, how you holding up?" Drake asked sitting beside me

"I'm doing ok I guess, I just hope she's ok."

"She will be Allison's tough." Amanda said sitting beside of Drake taking his hand in hers.

I guess their dating now.

"Oh here we got you a burger and a ice tea." Alex said handing it to me.

I thanked him and started eating. After that we just sat there for about 15 minutes until the doctor came in the waiting room saying.

"Does anyone know a... Allison Sailor?"

"We do!" I said jumping out of my seat.

"How is she? Is she ok?" I asked panicked.

"She's ok, she's right now resting. Can I speak to her parents?"

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