Chapter 16: Tricks

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HOLY COW I AM SO SORRY I HAVENT BEEN UPDATING!!! I have excuses though...One, I volunteered at my church for VBS for a week. Two, I've been helping my mom at her work a lot...Those are my excuses, please forgive me -_-'

AND AHHHHH! NEW THEFATRAT SOOOOOOONG! Yay!!! Yes, I know it came out something like three weeks ago though...BUT HES LIKE MY FAORITE ARTIST!

Also, if you guys would read the author note at the bottom it would be much appreciated! I have something cool to tell you guys!

Get ready for another short chapter though...


~Your POV~

I was walking with Jane around the neighborhood trying to find Prism and Clockwork, it wasn't working out very well...We had been walking for a solid hour as well. I sighed and closed my eyes, I was tired and wanted to go back to bed and see if Knight was okay or not. I suddenly felt a pair of hands over my eyes.




"Haha, guess there's no tricking you Y/n." Jane said from beside me, Prism took her hands off my eyes and I opened them to see her walk in front of me with a pout on her face.

"No, there really isn't...Not when Prism is the one  trying to trick anyone."

"Ah! Rude! I've tricked many people!"

"Name one."

"Well Ben still thinks there's a monster in under his bed doesn't he?"


"I know." Prism said smirking.

"Adorable." Clockwork said looking down at her...Then Prism grabbed Clockworks arm and flipped her on her back, now Prism was looking down at Clockwork which made me giggle a little...Prism was a little short, even though her dad and uncle are giants. Freaking old skyscrapers...

"Heck no."

"Hahahahahahahahaha! O-Okay, we should head home before breakfast...There's pancakes." Jane said, we all agreed and started to head home.

~Time Skip~

We where half way home when it started to rain, hard, so we where now running back to the mansion. Though, Prism took off full speed when she heard a loud crack of lighting and a roll of thunder following it...But to be honest I was right behind her the entire time...She's fast for someone with no shoes on.

Prism and I made it back to the mansion before Clockwork and Jane did, which gave us time to catch our breath and dry off just a little bit.

"You two, bed, now." A annoyed sounding voice said from behind us. I turned around to see Slendy in blue and white pajamas along with a little brown teddy bear. Prism and I both giggled at his appearance then run off into the mansion.

"Does he always dress like that?" I asked.


"Do you dress like that when you go to bed?"



"Yeah I know..."

I walked upstairs to my room only to see that a little sticker had appeared on it, a midnight blue owl holding a knife. I smiled a little and walked into my room and put my pajamas on, the ones that I know don't match anyone else's pajamas. That's weird.


Word Count: 652

Yeah, I know it was a little random, but its better than nothing right??? ANYWAY LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT SOMETHING!

So, I have a new book I'm working on! Its called 'The Girl On The Boardwalk'
I wanted to know if you guys would at all be interested in reading it before I publish the first chapter tomorrow, which is Thursday! I'm updating this two days early...Anyway, heres the description:

Y/n lived in the city of Trihn. She had a normal life, went out with her friends like any other eighteen year old girl would...Little did she know that soon her word would be turned upside down, either for the better, or the worse.

That's all I got...It IS a reader insert and it does involve magic and stuff so it would be a little more interesting...(I suck at descriptions) So tell me if you guys are at ALL interested!

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