Chapter 2: RUN!

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Okay, I'm sorry for that cliff hanger...But I think you guys know who it is anyways XD Also, this picture made me laugh so hard!!!


~Your POV~

I turned around and jump back at what I saw. There stood a tall man in a suit, but he had completely white skin, no facial features, and black tendrils on his back. I started backing away actually WANTING to live.

Once I was a few feet away I turned and started running in the direction that Prism went, away from the monster, away from the corpses, and the opposite direction from the orphanage. I didn't care though, that creature was in the way of the path back...I AINT DOIN THAT! I did look behind me to see it reaching its hand out, I'm pretty sure if it had a face it would have been slightly upset...Who cares though! That thing was going to kill me!

I managed to find a decent place to hide, it was a old hollowed out tree big enough to sleep in if necessary, and the opening to the hollowed out tree was only small enough for a ten year old girl to fit into. I crawled into the tree and stayed there for a moment, listening for any noises.

I stayed there for a few minuets trying to calm my heart beat. When it calmed a wave of sleepiness hit me, it was late and I am tired. (A/n LIGHTS REFRENCE! IF YOU KNOW WHO LIGHTS IS AND THE SONG I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!)

I started to doze off fighting for consciousness, failing in the end of course. (A/n T~T)

~Le time skip!~

I slowly opened my eyes to see where I was, not remembering where I was I started to panic. Crawling out of the tree I remember what had happened...'Right, the monster and that ghost...What was her name again? Prism? I should find her...I have a few more questions!' I thought trying to find my way back to that clearing, also being very carful where I stepped in case that thing, was still here. I honestly didn't know where I was going at all. Every tree looked that same to me.

~Yet ANOTHER time skip!~

I was on my knees crying, I found a clearing...The one where I left Nori, Zaxi, and Sarah to go find the boys...I didn't feel anything when I saw the boys corpses, but I broke down when I found the girls. I didn't know the boys so it was easy to move on, but the girls I knew. We always sat at the same table. Even though I never spoke to them or hung out with them I still knew them! They where stabbed with a smile carved into their faces, I know it wasn't as bad as the boys...But it was still sad.

I stopped crying and looked up wide eyed, 'IM GOING TO HAVE TO GO DEAL WITH SEEING THEIR GHOSTS NOW AT THE ORPHANAGE NOW ARENT I?!' I screamed in my head, 'Please have moved on, please have moved on, PLEASE NORI, ZAXI, AND SARAH MOVE THE FUDGE ON!!!'

(A/n I feel like a bbbaaaddd person writing that paragraph XD T~T)

I started walking down the path to the orphanage before it got dark again. I really didn't want to see their ghosts, that would be worse than eating Mrs. Xav's lasagna, or listening to Miss Carla try to sing the children to sleep, OR hafting to listen to Mrs. Charleston go on about how cute I would look in super girly colors like PINK! OR PASTEL GREEN, BLUE, and YELLOW! SHE TRIES TO DRESS ME UP LIKE A PRINCESS!!! NO! A SUPER LOLITA PRINCESS!!! SHES LIKE LIZZIE FROM BLACK BUTLER! (A/n I don't like Lizzie from Black Butler...I want her to DIE! AND NEVER SEE CIEL AGAIN!!!)

As I was ranting about how BAD Mrs. Charleston was I ran right into someone. I looked up to see the monster from yesterday. 'Wait, he's different this time...' I thought. This time he had a white button up shirt, light brown sweater vest, and dark brown pants, and glasses...EVEN THOUGH HE HAD NO EYES! NOR FACE!

"I agree with you, girl, pink is SO not your color! Stick with chill colors and your white dress!" He 'said'...I looked at him like 'what the fudge?'.

'He doesn't look like he will kill me, unlike yesterday...Though yesterday he seemed upset that I was running.' I thought slowly backing away from the creature.

"No, unlike my brother I am not into killing children. Now, come with me and we will get you a new set of clothing! Though the dress you have is ADORABLE!" It said, "By the way, I am Trenderman! But you can call me Trendy! What's your name kiddo?"

"I-I'm Y/n... " I said shakily, I know he said he wouldn't hurt me...But I was still scared! THIS DUDE HAD NO FACE! Trenderman took my hand in his and started walking in the opposite direction from the orphanage...This is the first time I actually want to go back to that horrid place! I saw something move in the trees and I looked the direction it was in.

"I told you...Don't go into the mansion even if your invited, shameful Y/n shameful..." Prism said shaking her head with a smile plastered on her face. SHE KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!

"Prism! HELP ME!" I said reaching my other arm out to her, she looked at me with a sad frown and caught up to me going to grab my hand...Only to have it phase through me.

"I wish I could...But last time I checked, I dead girl..." She said, tears falling down her face again, "And unlike your friends, I cant just move on like I wanted to."

"Can you at least be my friend?! JUST DONT LEAVE ME WITH THIS MONSTER!!!" I pleaded, I honestly didn't know what was happening. Asking a ghost to be my friend? WHAT THE FUDGE WAS I DOING?! I looked up to Trenderman. He looked down at me silently questioning who I was talking to...Right, he cant see her...I looked back to Prism and she sighed, then nodded.

"Fine..." She said. I sighed in relief and almost fell over when this monster stopped walking.

"Careful there kiddo!" He said happily. I looked ahead and saw a huge mansion...What the fudge?


Word count: 1099


I'm sorry...I'm just happy! I have a good plan for this and a lot of surprises! See you next time! Bye Dragonets!

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