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"So first we need to find a hotel," Percy said to everyone as they exited the airport.

Reyna nodded, "Yes. But I was thinking since we have so much money shouldn't we enjoy or stay here. Lets grab a really nice one."

Piper smiled, "How about Park Hyatt?"

Annabeth choked, "You mean one of Paris's finest hotels? That's a five star hotel, do you know how much that'll cost for eight people?"

Piper shrugged, "We still have three and a half bags of hundreds and fifties. We should be fine. We'll get two rooms. One for the boy and one for the girls."

Annabeth looked at Percy for help but Percy was captivated by the idea of staying in a five star hotel. He was sued to staying in a small cabin full of evil dust bunnies and like a million spiders, a five star hotel sounded really nice.

"Ok why not!" Percy said.

Piper and Reyna high fived while Annabeth groaned in disappointment. Everyone grabbed their bags and walked off to the side of the road where Percy hailed another cab, having lived in New York you got really good at it.

These cabs were smaller so they ordered two and everyone filed in and when they told the driver they were going to Park Hyatt he looked back at them with a shocked look on his face but then shrugged and went with it, if they were rich they must pay well.

The drive took almost a half hour; the man was driving really fast though and it made Percy glad they hadn't walked, which would've sucked. When they reached the hotel Percy almost cried it was so amazing. It was one of those places that made Percy feel he should wipe his feet before stepping on the cement walkway ten feet near the place, which he did. Annabeth frowned at him and he shrugged at her and she rolled her eyes and they walked up to the entrance. He doorman legitimately bowed at them then opened the door and Percy liked this experience more and more.

Until he heard how much two rooms would cost, then he almost got up and left. But Piper wasn't backing down. She grabbed their moneybags and her and they lady counted it all out and when the transaction was done they were left with only two bags of money left.

The kids got into the elevator and made their way up to their floor, when they stepped out Percy almost cried again. The hallway looked expensive! The carpet was a nice cream color and the walls the same only a shade darker, beautiful lamps were spaced out on the walls and it made Percy feel like he was walking down a really expensive red carpet.

Percy went with Nico, Will and Leo to a door that said 105 on it and he slid his keycard through the lock and it clicked open very expensively. The four of them walked into the room and at once they shouted.


Percy and Leo rushed through the giant room looking for beds and finally found a room with two luxurious beds. Leo jumped on one and Percy laughed as Leo literally sank into the mattress.

Leo grinned like a madman, "Oh man this is sick!"

Suddenly they heard Will shout, "CHECK THIS OUT!"

Percy and Leo ran over to where his voice was coming form and found him on the terrace looking over the railings. Percy followed his lead and his mouth dropped. The view was amazing; Paris lay before them like a delicate, yet beautiful puzzle with lights of all colors and the Eiffel Tower stood out very nicely. Percy grabbed his backpack praying Annabeth had packed his camera, luckily the woman once again thought ahead and Percy found the blue and white digital camera and began to take pictures of everything. He took pictures of the view, pictures of the bed, pictures of the kitchen, pictures of the floor.

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