Chapter 12

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Matt's PoV

I suddenly have a pain in my lower abdomen it's more like a feeling of dread than actual pain, what's going on its making me so uncomfortable and anxious, I'm getting picked up by Charlie tonight cause we are going to stay at their house again I really hope we'll be adopted by them I can't act like this I need to sort myself out

"Miss can I go to the nurses office" I say pulling my knees into my chest moaning lowly

"Yes of course you can, But do you need any accidence making your way there" The teacher questions burrowing her brow worriedly

"No, no I'm fine I don't want to trouble anyone" I say pushing myself up from my desk and exiting the room

I walk down the hall towards the nurses office the feeling still not subsiding, I hear sobbing coming from the old janitors closet, I'll just ignore it it's probably just somebody who's been rejected it's a place kids like to go and kiss sometimes

"Matt" I hear the person in the janitors closet cry out, I gasp out how do they know I'm out here or don't they do they just like me or something, I decided to myself that I'll check out who's in there

I open the door slowly it creaks cause of how unkept it is, I gasp at the horrific scene inside, Leo is huddled in the corner of the room holding his wrist sobbing my name out to himself his pure white T-shirt covered in his own blood, I slam the door shut so nobody sees him, he looks up pushing himself away from me

"Leo what have you done to yourself" I gasp out covering my mouth

"Mat - Matt.. Is that you..?, I di - didn't do th - this" He sobs out, out stretching his arms towards me as if wanting a hug

"How could it be anyone else" I say feeling hurt that he's lying to me

"I - I'm not ly - lying the boy wh - who bullies me did it as a punis - punishment for lau - laughing at him" He sobs out his arms collapsing at his sides looking betrayed that I didn't believe him

"What who's bulling you why haven't you told me" I say furiously slamming my hand against the wall Leo flinches as I do so

"I'm sor - sorry I didn't wa - want to bot - bother you" He says flinching away from me as I crouch down next to him

"I'm sorry it's not your fault I shouldn't be taking my anger out on you, but you'll never bother me you can always entrust me with your worries" I say holding him by the shoulders firmly

I pull my hoodie off and pull it over his head and pull his arms gently through the sleeves, I stand up Leo tries to as well but his legs collapse under him as they are still trembling after the trauma he's just experienced

"Leo stay here I'll be right back I'm just going to fetch your cane okay" I say putting my bag in his arms for his own comfort

"Ok - okay hur - hurry back please" He says his voice trembling

"I will" I promise him

I rush out of the room slamming the door behind me I hope it didn't scare Leo, I rush towards his classroom and pick up his bag and cane explaining to the teacher that his mum came early for him as he has an appointment at the doctors, I rush out of the classroom slinging his bag over my shoulder in the process, The bell rings as I'm running down the hall, I reach the janitor closet and rush in Leo's in the exact place he was squeezing my bag and breathing in its smell, Awww he's so cute I love him way to much my sanity is drifting away

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