Chapter 2

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Hello thanks for taking our time to read my story I hope you enjoy, sorry if I update to fast XD someone said I do, The English used in this story is Uk/Canadian English so if anything is spelt different from how you would spell it that's why so please don't hate on me too much T^T sorry if say something offensive of offend you in anyway I don't mean to

Warning for swear words

Thanks for listing to me rambling on here's the story now enjoy

Matt's PoV

I look up as the teacher slides the door open and I watch a beautiful boy walking in he's so adorably hot

I look around the classroom and see everyone else looking at him too but not for the reason I am, I look to where they're looking and see a cane a in his hand I wonder to myself if he's blind

He starts breathing really heavy and I get worried about him and think to myself that it's probably because everyone's staring at him, everyone's looking at him like he's weird now and giggling to each other I really want to clock them in the face right now

"Leo are you okay!!" The teacher exclaims, So Leo's his name that's cute it fits him perfectly

I come out of my daydream as I hear a loud band and look to where the sound came from and see Leo lying on the floor I instantly rush over to his side, what's getting over me why am I acting like this for a boy I hardly know I wonder to myself

"Matt do you know Leo.?" The teacher questions me I shake my head as I look down over his frail body and think to myself that I just want to hold him in my arms and protect him forever

"Matt will you help me bring Leo to the nurses office" the teacher sighs looking annoyed she's pissed at my Leo for passing out its not his fault it's everyone else's fault for pressuring him and laughing at him

"Yes I will" I growl at her picking him up protectively in my arms, I lay him down on a bed in the nurses office i prop his cane up against the side of the bed so it should be easy for him to find

I go to push his hair out of his eyes then the bell rings so I have to rush of to class, I know he's blind but having hair in his face could agitate him

It's lunch now and i still haven't seen him I hope he's okay.., I really hope his parents have came to take him home especially after the trauma he had to go through this morning it would've been so scary for him feeling everyone's eyes on him and hearing them laugh about him

Its the end of the school day now and I still haven't seen him I hope he's okay.... I'm dreading going home... I don't want to go back to that hellhole why can't I just have my own happiness for once.....

I hope you enjoyed my story i know it's pretty short but I try to make up with it by updating it on most days thanks for taking the time to read my story I hope I didn't offend you in anyway

Lost in the darkness (BxB) ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora