Chapter 12/ Taming his jealousy

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Now pic of Selena up top and what she wore at the movies👆👆

Selena POV

"Baby!" He snapped his fingers in front of my face. I'm dumbstruck. My entered body is in shock at this moment in time.

"What did you just say?" I asked. I don't think I've heard him correctly.

He chuckled "I said that you should pick the building for the company. Clive is here for you to sign the paperwork" what!? He's buying me the fucking building!? "Well?" He said while smiling. When he went to open the door I saw this four-eye guy step in. When he introduced us he said he was a top realtor. But he's buying me a freaking building!

"Babe, I need to speak with you. Alone" I said while looking at four-eyes over there.

"Clive give us a minute," he said " What's the problem baby?"

"You can't just buy me a freaking building Nick!" I should be happy! But I wanted my money to buy it!

"Lena listen to me" he brought me closer to him on the sofa "I love you OK. And I see us planning a future together. There's no way in hell I will be allowing you to buy it out of your pocket when I can more than afford it" he pecked my lips "Now choose the one that you want. I chose this one maybe you like it too I don't know up to you," he said while pointing at a rustic place it had beautiful, exposed bricks and I could see it was huge. But I know it costs a lot!

"How much is it?" I asked

"That doesn't matter. What matter is you choosing one before its gone!" He chuckled.

"Babe I'm serious. How much is it?"

"$500,000" what the fuck??

"What no! You cannot do that Nick. I won't allow you to!" I got up and paced back and forth. Its half a fucking million!!

"Babe relax. Its nothing OK. Now can you please choose one? I'm starving!" He's crazy!

"Which is the cheapest?" I rose an eyebrow.

"The one you asked about" he smirked.... He knew I wouldn't choose something bigger than that! Ugh!!!

"Youre egging me on!" I yelled while he chuckled.

"No, I'm not! I'm just hungry!" He laughed. "Come on please baby just hurry up and sign. I have nothing to do with this. Its your company completely not even an ounce of this sweet stuff is in it" he smiled and gestured to his body.... Ass.

"That's not the case dim wit!" I grabbed the pen and signed my signature " The case is that you just bought me a half a million-dollar building!" I smiled. "Youre crazy you know that?" He drew me closer to him and pecked my lips. "Wait! Have you even looked at it!?" I signed and didn't even know the god damn place!!

"I have. And its beautiful I know you will like it. We can go there tomorrow" he said while burying his head in my boobs.

"Get off you childish man!" I giggled while he tried to suck one of my breasts. "Youre turning me on! Stop remember we have the company you fool!" I giggle.

"Well. Its. my. house!" He said while reaching for a nipple. Fuck I'm wet.

"Ahem!" Clive cleared his throat. Shit! "Sorry for interrupting but I have a buyer on that lot. Are you interested?" He said while holding down his hand over his phone.

"I already signed four-eyes!" I giggled.

"Well great!" He said while walking off.

"Youre crazy you know that?" I asked while looking into his eyes.

"I'm crazy about you" tell me if I shouldn't be melting right now!!


"Babe I already called the girls! They're coming over by 9:30!" I yelled from the bathroom.

"OK!" He called back from the room.

"Could David pick them up!?"

"You go ask him yourself! He's your friend. I'm not talking to him right now you both ganged up on me!!" He whined. Earlier on today I told him that he should let me go to the movies with the girls Instead of them coming over and it was chaos! He ran all over the house and yell and sign the song he made up called NO! He sang it like there was no tomorrow but when I threatened him about not getting sex for a week; He broke! Ha the powers of a woman.

"I'm sorry baby!" I giggled I have been losing a lot of weight surprisingly. I've stayed in line with the diet and have been exercising with Nick every morning and night. But tonight, is my cheat night!

"Yea yea! Hurry and get your sexy ass out of the bathroom I wanna see you!" He whined "I don't know why you never just change in here. Its unlike I've never seen your sexy body before" He snickers. He's so childish.

"Hush it! I'm coming. Don't rush perfection!"

"Well get your ass out the girls are here!"

"Shit! How the hell did they reach so fast?!" The only thing I had left was my shoes. Damn you pumps!! After a real struggle to put on these bad boys, I gave up!

"I told David long before you did!" He chuckled. Always one step ahead huh?

"Baby can you help me with my shoes!" I whined

"Get out of the bathroom Lena" he cooed. I stepped out into the bathroom into my outfit and his eyes were glued on me. To be specific, my lower half " Damn baby! Youre making me regret my decisions! " He said while walking towards me "You look stunning baby. You sure I can't do anything to change your mind from leaving?" He wrapped his hands around my waist and squeezed my ass. As much as how I would love to. I'm going out tonight!

"No baby now behave! We have company downstairs! Help me with my shoes, will you?" I chuckled.

"But I don't want you to leave!" He stomped and pouts.

"Baby I won't stay long OK" I kissed his lips.

"And are you sure I can't come?" He had this theory that if he came he can ward off the perves of the night from looking at his property. He sounded like a damn vigilante! He's just crazy.

"No babe! Its girls night. Now shoes!" I pointed.

"Fine!" He pouts and fixes my shoes. "For this youre not getting head for a week!" He threatened. That's not a threat!

"If you say so" I giggled.

"What dont you believe me? OK!" He said while storming out of the room. He's so spoiled.

"OH, MY FREAKING GOD!!! SELENA, YOU LOOK FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!!!!" Shawna squealed. I saw this thing called waist trainer and I bought it, so I guess its doing the works.

"Thank you, baby girl!" I brought them into a hug "I feel great!" I giggled while Nick just slouches on the sofa with his arms crossed.

"Baby!" I called.... Silent treatment huh?

"Nicky Darling!" I mimicked his accent. He always laughs when I do but he's really pissed. "I'll be right back" I told the girls and went over to him.

"Baby you can't be seriously upset with me" I said while crossing my arms in front of him.

"Yes I am. And I will! Its a serious matter Lena. Have you seen how you look!? Those horny dogs are just waiting to pounce on you!"

"Is someone jealous?" I said while biting my lip.

"Stop doing that! You know I am!" He got up and was about to walk away but I grabbed his wrist and whisper into his ear. When I pulled apart his eyes were wide and filled with excitement. He's just. Ugh!!

"Remember now Mr Brown. If you behave you will be rewarded" I pecked his lips and winked at him.

"Come on girls!" I yelled.

"What did you say to let him settle down?" Tiffany asked.

"Girl, I promised I'll give him head when I came back in. But who am I kidding? We are staying out the whole night!!!" They all burst out in laughter and went through the door. I love these girls!

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