The Dinner Date Part One

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At 3:00 pm the bell for dismissal rang and released a swarm of teens escaping the high school building. Jasper and Harry were walking hand in hand to the parking lot.

"So my parents want to meet you and your papa" Jasper said breaking the quiet.

Harry let go of Jasper's hand and began to sign, ~Really? I'd like to meet them too but don't you think it's too soon?~

"Maybe, but I was only putting it out there so we could plan a time for our families to join for dinner." Jasper spoke as he put his arm around Harry's shoulders, still wanting to holding him but leaving his hands open for signing.

~True. I'll have to talk to papa. Sometime this week he's suppose to meet up with the pack down at La Push~ Harry signed as he snuggled up closer to Jasper.

"Ugh let's not do it the same day."

~I wasn't but why did you make a face?~

"To vampires, wolves smell awful and same vise versa." Jasper explained as they reached Harry's car.

~You mean you and your family will hate papa?~

"Not really. We're meant to be enemies that's why their smell bothers us but since your papa is a wolf I will accept him and my father said that you two will be family so hopefully they'll get along too"

~Ok then. I guess I'll see you tomorrow~

"Yeah see you tomorrow."


When Harry got home, he raced to find Remus so he can ask about dinner. Upon reaching the kitchen, he finds Remus attempting to cook. Harry knocks on the door to get Remus' attention.

"Oh, good afternoon cub. How was school?" Remus asks when he sees Harry.

~It was alright. A lot of people stared and didn't quite understand about my condition but my mate was there to help. One student called me deaf and dumb. And one teacher didn't read the note saying I couldn't speak.~ Harry signed after he stepped into the hug Remus was offering.

"I'm sorry cub but at least Jasper was there, right?"

~Yes Jasper and I had all of the same classes together so he was there with me the whole time.~

"Good. Well, tomorrow while you're at school I'm going to head down to La Push to meet the pack and ask some questions. Okay?"

~Yes papa. In fact that reminds me of a question I had or at least Jasper had. He was wondering when we might be free for dinner with his family.~

"Well tomorrow I have to meet with them and that's Tuesday. Wednesday, I have a job interview with the library. So either Thursday or Friday is fine with me."

~Great I'll go text Jasper~ Signed Harry as he ran out of the kitchen and up to his room.

Harry's room is completely different from his rooms at the Dursleys. For one, it's so much bigger basically the same size as the master bedroom. Another thing it's painted like the outdoors. The ceiling is spelled like the Hogwarts ceiling but only with two modes. The first mode is day so it's blue with clouds and sun while the second theme is night so it has the night sky with all of the stars and planets and galaxies. Remus charmed so during the day, even while it's raining, it will look bright and shiny and at night it will look exactly like the night sky. His bedroom walls are painted like a forest. It has so many trees and bushes with many variances of green shades. The tops of the trees even reach the ceiling and is also painted on the ceiling too. It has vines and 3d tree limbs and tops that form the top of his bed. His bed looks like it grew from the forest ground and out of tree trunks. His floor is covered with the softest and plushiest green carpet ever! In one corner of the room a clump of trees forms a little tree house that he can climb and it has a little nook in it so he can read or do homework or even chill. He has several beanbag chairs that look like bushes and it's all perfect! Remus even painted and charmed forest animals into the background of his walls so occasionally you will spot unicorns and owls and dragons and bowtruckles; demiguises and faires and griffins and hippogriffs; nifflers and occamies and phoenixes and even thunderbirds. His bedroom walls are like every magizoolgist's dreams. He absolutely loves his bedroom!

Harry runs and jumps on top of his bed and pulls out his phone to text Jasper.

*Hey Jasper, papa said either Thursday night or Friday night will be fine for us. -H*

*Alright, Carlisle said that Friday night we have to go 'camping' so Thursday night it is. -J*

*K, night Jasper.-H*

*night love.-J*

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