The School

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In my story, Harry knows sign language so he won't have to keep writing. I will explain why he knows how to sign. Also, I'm taking ASL in high school so thought I'd add in something from my life.

Here's the next chapter:






As Harry drove up the school's driveway, he began to dread the upcoming day. He pulled into a parking space and wished that he came early so he'd miss the other students arrival. Everyone began staring at him. 'Why did they move to such a small town? Everyone knows everyone.'

Before he stepped out of his car, Harry checked to see if he has everything. He brought a pad and pencil so he could communicate with people who doesn't know sign. He learned sign language when he was in elementary school. There was a new kid who was deaf and Dudley picked on him a lot so Harry got to know him and sign. As he opened the door, he double checked the scarf around his neck, hiding the scar, was tight. Then, he held his head high and practically ran to the office building.

Harry opened the door and noticed the woman at the desk gossiping on the phone, which made him wonder if everyone did that here...probably. The woman motioned f wait a minute so he looked around.

'I hope this goes smoothly. I don't want to be the object of gossip.'

The woman finally hung up the phone.

"How may I help you?" She asked with a much too cheery voice.

Harry dug around in his bag before handing her a note. The note explained that he was a new student and also that he was mute.

"Oh you're the new student, Harry Potter. Oh my, you're mute! Oh I'm so very sorry." She said annoyingly.

*Yes I'm new and don't worry about me being mute. It's fine* Harry lied, it wasn't fine but he didn't want her pitying him.

"Oh well okay then um..... here's your schedule, a map of the school, and I need you to get all of your teachers to sign this slip please"

*Thank you*

A few minutes later found Harry searching for his first class, History. 'Oh great, History, I don't even know my own country's history much less this one's.'

"Hi you must be new. I've never seen you before." said an annoying voice behind him.

Harry turned and just stared at the girl who wore much to revealing clothes.

"My names Jessica. I could show you around since you probably don't know where anything is. And you can sit with me and my friends and eat lunch with us and-" the girl, Jessica, kept rambling on and on while she hung off his arm.

"There you are Harry, I was looking for you."

Harry tugged away from the much too clingy girl to see Jasper, his mate, heading towards him.

~Jasper!~ Harry rushed towards him to be swept into his mate's strong, warm, welcoming arms.

~I've missed you, Jasper. I was worried you wouldn't come~ With this Harry looked up at Jasper.

"Ah Darlin', don't give me that look. Of course I would come, I just had to find you. Now where's your schedule? We'll see how many classes we have together."

~Here you go. I hope we have all of them, I don't know what I'll do without you Jasper.~

Harry handed Jasper his new schedule and watched him as he scanned the paper.

"Lucky for us, we have all of our classes together Harry. So I'll be able to escort you, protect you, as well as act as a translator for those who don't know sign language." Jasper spoke as he held Harry close to him.

~I'm glad we do, I'll be lost without you. I do have my notepad in case I have to communicate.~ Harry signed quickly as he smiled up at Jasper. He then snuggled deeper into Jasper's embrace.

"Well then, I guess we shall head to class-"

"Ahem," Jasper was interrupted by that annoying girl, "excuse me but I was talking with him when you rudely cut in."

"Well, I apologize for talking with my boyfriend." As he said this Jasper did what was thought impossible and pulled Harry closer to him. When he did this, Harry smiled liking this possessive side of his boyfriend.

"Your boyfriend!!!! How dare you! I had my eyes on him first!" The stupid girl screeched.

~I was never yours to start with and Jasper is my boyfriend and in fact he saw me first.~ Harry signed angrily at her.

"Why are you waving your hands like that are you dumb?" She yelled.

'How stupid is she is? Does she not know what sign language is or even looks like?' Harry looked at her in confusion.

"Harry is not dumb and is using sign language-"

"Oh so you're deaf and dumb"

'Jasper was just speaking to me, honestly, can she get any more stupid?'

"No, he can hear. Harry is mute and he was explaining to you that I am his boyfriend and we met before you two met." Jasper calmly explained as he guided me towards our first class.

My Love is on MuteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon