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a/n: a long-ish chapter for you

the rest of the day, she wondered where the spirit was. he wasn't home. the day rolled by with just one simple problem.

" hello, miss park? "

" i'm sorry who is this? "

she wondered on the deep, husky voice that surely didn't belong to the kind lady. she clutched her telephone and hitched a breath. " excuse me? "

" i'm sorry. if you are calling miss park joonsi, she died earlier this morning due to a heart attack. are you her relative? "

" no. b—but i know her. "

" well, miss, you better come to her house. we need information on miss park. "

she put the phone down and pain burned bright inside of her. the only time she knew she was lost when the two people that she cared for at least a little, was gone.

she ran to the lady's house and saw the police and some of their neighbors crowding around her territory. she pushed through the people and the police saw her try to pry the tape open. the tall skinny man held her back.

" i called! i'm the one who called! "

she fought and the man let her go. she ran inside the house filled with detectives and police. she tried to find herself some information on how she died by asking but noby tried to answer her.

" miss?

a deep, husky voice familiar to who picked up the phone earlier called the girl. she turned around and the boy was extremly pale. 

" did you know miss park? "

" how could she die?! "

" that was what i'm going to you. "

" let me see her! "

she walked to the center of the case and saw the lady's dead body lying peacefully on the bedroom floor. the room was in a low temperature too.

in a blink of an eye, she saw park jimin and park joonsi looking at her.



gradually grow faint and disappear.

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