Chapter 26: The Question

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Krissy's Point of View
People surrounded me, surrounded us. They were all watching the stage intently. Others were taking pictures and videos. They all wanted to be apart of this big day, his big day.

I watched my boyfriend sign his contract. A huge grin was on his face. His dream was now official. I was more than happy for him. He was going to be a UCLA Bruin in the fall. He'd play football with his best friend and live his best life. I was making sure I wasn't holding him back. He deserved this. He needed this.

"Congrats!" Sophie shouted from beside me. Asher, his parents, Sophie, and I were all here for the event. We wanted to be here when he accepted the athletic scholarship.

"Thanks." He said walking over to us. He had a huge smile on his face as he wore a light blue UCLA t-shirt. His blonde hair was ruffled because he runs his hand through it when he's nervous. It's a habit I find quite adorable.

"I can't believe my baby is moving to California with us." Mrs. Tyler said. As soon as she heard the news, she started planning everything. He was going to live with them during the summer and then move into a dorm on campus at the beginning of the semester. Everything would be perfect, almost.

"I'm going to miss having you around son." His father added. He had a sad look in his eyes. He didn't want Blake to leave Connecticut but he knew that his son really wanted to play football, even if that meant in California. He did promise to visit as long as Blake visits as well.

"I'll be back in California with my two favorite boys by my side. Nothing could ever go wrong." Sophie said hugging Blake. He chuckled as he unwrapped himself from her. She had a huge grin on her face.

She was also excited about having her brother in California. She wanted to show him around and let him learn about his new home. I think she was more than grateful to have Asher there as well. She'll be able to keep her relationship as well as keep her twin by her side. It was the perfect situation.

"Dude, we're so taking over LA! They won't know what hit them!" Asher said. Blake smirked, nodding. Those two boys were definitely going to get into trouble. I mean Blake is the definition of a bad boy. I just hope he learns what's legal and what's not. He cannot afford another arrest.

I mean he honestly isn't a bad boy anymore. He stopped smoking. He stopped fighting. And he definitely stopped sleeping with random girls. He changed. He is focused in school and is earning good grades. Ever since we met, Blake isn't the same bad boy from the beginning of the school year. I guess you could say he's more of a good boy now.

"We have to go out and celebrate." Blake said coming over to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest. Kissing my temple, he smiled down at me. I could see different emotions in his eyes. He was excited, sad, and mostly worried about what was to come.

He was excited about beginning a new life. He was going to play football without getting into trouble. He wouldn't have the distrust from his mom and her failed relationships, and he defined wouldn't have the hatred for her. He had a reason to start over. He was going to have the life he deserved.

Sadness was also something he was feeling. I could sense it. He didn't want to leave his dad behind. He had stayed with his dad through the divorce and had only ever been with him. He didn't know what life was like without hearing his dad come home and ask about his day. He didn't know what it was like to not have him there bailing him out for all his stupid actions. He didn't want to leave him.

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