Chapter 10: The Mistake

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Krissy's Point of View
I ran into the diner, out of breath. I didn't stop running until I was in the back room. I leaned up against one of the walls and tried to get as much oxygen as possible. I was late to work and there was only one reason why. And, his name is Blake Tyler.

I was about to get into the comfort of my own car, trying to run away from the cold, when he called my name out. I only stopped, feeling my heart begin to thump in my chest. His toned body jogged up to me, smiling, causing my heart rate to skip a beat.

"Hey Krissy, right?" He asked. I nodded. I had to remember I was the nerd and not the sassy girl he was taking out on a date tomorrow night.

"Yeah." I squeaked. That only made his deep chuckle come out. He leaned his head back, his blond hair flying in the wind.

"Is it possible to make reservations at the diner you work at?" He asked. I nodded. Is he doing what I think he's doing.

"Yeah. For when?" I found myself responding.

"Tomorrow night, for two." He said. I widened my eyes. Blake was planning on taking Kate to the diner. I didn't know whether to feel impressed that he's taking me somewhere laid back or annoyed that i'm not worth an expensive meal.

"I'm having a date with this gorgeous girl i've been chasing for months." Blake said. His smile beamed, showing how proud he was about finally scoring a date with Kate.

"That's great." I said showing him a tight lip smile. "I'll make sure you get the best server."

I unlocked my car and threw my bag in. The wind was starting to pick up. It was nearing the end of November. Soon, snow would be falling, covering the streets.

"That better be you. Thanks Kris." Blake said, placing a hand on my shoulder. He smiled before jogging off. I let our a breath the moment he left. My heart started to beat at a normal pace, making me relax. I got into the driver's seat and blasted the hot air. I blew into my hands as the car began to warm up.

I couldn't be his server. There was no possible way to be at two places at once. I was either the waitress or his date. He's going to be disappointed if i'm not his server, yet even more if i'm not his date. What am I supposed to do? I can't be both. It's just not possible. Maybe I can say I don't work that day? No, I need a better excuse. Besides, I have been looking forward to this date with Blake.

After the party, I started to freakout over the news. The Blake Tyler had asked me out and I was going out with him in a couple of days. Then the excitement started to wear off.

I started to second guess myself and starting to doubt his feelings for me. Did Blake actually like me? Or, did he just want to get into my pants. I knew the latter seemed more reasonable, but I still had hope. I wanted the notorious bad boy to have feelings for me. Even if I still had to pretend I was Kate, I could have my somewhat fairy tale ending. I wanted to know what it was like to be in love and have a guy head over heels for me. I just hoped I wasn't wasting my time with him.

"Krissy!" Hanna called out when she noticed my presence. I walked behind the counter and got pulled into a giant hug. "I heard about the date!"

"What?" I asked in confusion. I mean I knew that Hanna knew about me being Kate, but how did she find out about the date so quick. I was going to tell her about it today.

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