Chapter 9: Book 2

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In class, you and Senpai had sat in your assigned seats, which were far away from each other surprisingly. Looking around the set of new faces, your gaze was suddenly taken by a beautiful set of pink locks.

May only sat a few seats away from you, but luckly she sat in front of you so she couldn't stare at you. Your palms became sweaty and you swallowed back the unnerving feeling in your stomach.


"I heard she went crazy over the break."

"Yeah, like she totally lost her head one day at the park, and almost killed this kid!"

End Flashback.

"It's probably my fault this happened.. She was most likely traumatized that day, but why hasn't she told the cops what happened? And I still don't know what happened to her after I ran home, and why Senpai left her alive.."

Your mind slowly came back to reality due to the fact your teacher was repeadly calling your name.
"O-oh! Yes sir..?", you stuttered. A quiet rumble of laughter filled the room as the teacher glared at you.

"Please come pick up this packet.", your teacher scolds.


It was lunch time now, and old memories started to flood back into your brain. You and Senpai decided to go eat in a secluded place, so you headed out to the flields to sit on a bench.

It was quiet, but peaceful.

"Their lunch actually isn't to bad!", you smile, taking another bite. Senpai suddenly takes your hand in his, causing a faint blush to appear on your face.

"W-whats wrong?", you mumble, looking at him. He stares down at you with warm eyes, and smiles. He then steals your lips under the falling leaves.

Your food almost slipped from your lap as the kiss became more intense, but Senpai soon released you from his grip and smirked.

"What was that for..!?", you blushed, avoiding his gaze. He chuckles.
"I love you, so, so much [y/n].", he says staring off at the school. Your face went a deep red, and you nodded.
"I love you too..!", you stutter.

And with that, you two had a warm, romantic lunch.


The bell rang for your last period, and you had to leave Senpai's side. You waved him off, and started to walk to your next class.

However, you were suddenly pulled into a dark, dusty room.

"H-huh..!? N-no let me go!", you scream, your mouth suddenly being covered.

"C-calm down! It's just me [y/n]!", Yukino says awkwardly. Your heart slowly starts to calm down, and the memories of a certain event start to fade away again.

"Why would you ever do that!?", you yell, hitting Yukino's shoulder. He laughs at you, pinching your cheek softly.

"I just wanted to see how your day was going so far~", he smirks.
"Well I'm going to be late now, thanks to you.", you said turning away and heading for the exit. He suddenly wraps his arms around your waist and whispers into your ear.

"Onii-chan isn't here right now..~", he says seductively. You quickly elbow him in the rips, and cover your pounding heart.
"T-that's not funny Yukino..!", you said getting away from him. Yukino frowns, letting out a sigh.
"[Y/n], I'm jokeing around with you.", he mumbles.

The sincerity in his voice made you go red, and the room fell silent. And just for a moment, a strange feeling shot through you, causing you to run far away from Yukino.

"T-this feeling.. No, what is it!? I don't want it anymore!"


Thanks for reading!

Status update!

[F/N] [L/N]

Age: 18

Gender: female [or male]

Relationship: Senpai's girlfriend, the person Yukino says he's in love with.

Info: Has conflicting feelings about Yukino, and doesn't know how to think of him. Is able to snap Senpai out of his crazy state. Currently felt something when she was with Yukino.

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