Chapter 12

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Malia's POV
I was startled awake from a loud snapping noise. The sky was a dark, grey blue color, hanging over me angrily. Snow blurred my vision, the wind blowing is harshly.A layer of fresh snow covered my body, numbing my painful back. Heavy footsteps were heard, traveling carelessly, but quickly through the forest. Shouts were called in the distance but they were to far away for me to hear what was said. Another loud 'snap' was heard, this time it was much closer. What ever it was, it was moving at a fast pace.

An uncomfortable pressure was forming in my head, making me dizzy. I stood slowly, holding in a painful whine when my back protested. My legs were shaking slightly as I stood. I was preparing myself to run if it was necessary. My white fur blended into the snowy terrain, almost perfectly. The new snow covered my blood on the ground. If someone was to walk by, they probably wouldn't even notice me, especially if someone was moving that quickly. They would probably overlook me and keep going, not even noticing I was there.

The footsteps got closer, and louder. Instead of hearing a pattern of two, like a human, it was a pattern of four, meaning it was a four legged animal. They were now very close to me. I slowly moved my head up, tilting my nose in the air, trying to catch a scent. The wind was blowing the wrong way, throwing the scent away from me instead of towards me. That meant the unknown person has my scent, knowing where I am. 'Shit.' I thought.

The wind started to pick up and it started snowing harder. I heard a desperate sounding whimper of despair and sadness. The dry leaves that have dropped from the trees in the fall crunched as paws stepped on them. My body tensed as I saw a bush rattle off to my right. I could sense then moving closer. They knew I was here. Fuck.

I gave out a low warning growl, telling them to back off or else. I was met with another long whine. A huge wolf , almost a foot taller than me,walked out from behind the thick shrubbery, the shadows blocking him from my view. It was definitely a male, it's huge size screamed so. I raised my hackles in alarm and snarled, stopping his advance towards me.

The wolf lowered itself to the ground, crouching, trying to make itself smaller. It wasn't in a submissive position, just showing me that he wasn't a threat. He slowly walked to my left. I watched him intensely, as he stepped out of the shadows. I was still tense, waiting for him to make a move.
As he moved around, the minimal moonlight that seeped through the clouds lit up his features.

He had thick, pitch black fur. His body has a strong, intimidating build. I could see his muscles moving underneath his dark coat. Razor sharp claws were set on the pair of huge paws. I growled at him and back up until I hit the tree. I wanted as much distance between him and I as possible. I didn't like my odds of I did have to pick a fight with him.

The male flinched as if it was in pain. It whimpered and my eyes snapped up to his face. His huge mouth was set with long, sharp teeth. I could see the white tips of its canines through his lips. Oh, but then I saw his eyes. Those eyes held me captive, distracting me from all its dangerous features. The beautiful sea green eyes stared back at mine. They looked at me with sadness, caution and fear, almost as if it were looking at a frightened animal. They intrigued both me and my wolf. My body started to involuntarily relax, against my will. My hackles soothed out and my tail fell. I could feel my defensive walls start to collapse.It deeply confused and terrified me.

''Mate.' My wolf said one again. It was absent of any emotion, almost monotone. Orion noticed my state of calmness and confusion and started walking towards me. Was once originally ten yards away and was quickly close the distance between us. Now only three yards away and I still in my own little world. He would've completely reached me, if he didn't step on another stick. The snap of the wood snapped me out of my daze and I build my walls back up, this time with more reinforcement.( get it, snap: snapping. Okay, I'll stop.)

Orion sighed heavily through his snout and backed away, walking behind the bush he came through. I heard the snapping of his bones, shifting into his human form and the sound of clothing being put on. He came back into my sight wearing black sweatpants and a black hoodie. He was holding out a fuzzy blanket.

"If you stay out here any longer, you'll probably get sick." He said out of concern. I could feel my body become stiff and numb from the bitter cold. He tried to approach me again but I growled again, showing my teeth. My wolf and I hate when people are near us when we are injures. It gives them a chance to take advantage of our state of weakness. He sighed again and walked over to a low hanging branch and hung the blanket on it. He then walked away and turned his back to me. I stared at his back for a few seconds.

"I'm not going to look." He had the nerve to chuckle. I gave a short growl of annoyance and he laughed. My ears twitched at the beautiful sound, trying to get closer to it. It was light, like a melody and held the tone of his soothing voice. I snapped my head away and ignored him. How dare he?

As soon as I shifted, I could feel the cold eating away at my flesh. The snow was whipping my hair around wildly. I quickly grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders my body. He turned around and approached me. His hands were extended, probably wanting to rub my arms, trying to generate heat. I didn't want him to. I stepped back and watched his hands warily. He dropped his hands and let them rest by his sides.
"Let's go before you get sick."

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