Chapter 10

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Orion's POV
It has already been six days since I last talked to Malia. Six days since I asked her to join my pack. The long days were driving me crazy because she wasn't near me. I saw here around a few times, entering and exiting the pack house and the entering and the woods.It was driving me mad.

I know she knows I am around her, I can feel her burning gaze. It sent tingles down my spine and demanded my attention. It made me want to forget what I was doing and go to her. Just like now. I was at the training arena with my men near the outskirts of the woods. I was overseeing them train, giving comments on what they need to work on and improve. Then, I smelled her and I lost focus. Everything was just about her now. I could see her walking out of the woods from the corner of my eye. She kept her head down and kept walking, not acknowledging me, like she always does. My wolf whimpered, wanting our mate to notice us, wanting to go to her. I glanced at Casper and he nodded at me in understanding. I pat his shoulder and went after my mate.

I was closing the distance between just fairly quickly, my legs taking longer strides than hers. I was just about to call out to her when two hands with long, claw like nails wrapped around my arm and pulled me to a stop. Rebecca rubbed herself on me, rubbing her scent on me, and pressed her chest against mine. Her perfume was sickeningly sweet and covered up Malia's beautiful smell. I looked around, trying to find what direction Malia went off in but Rebecca had other ideas. She dug her nails into my shoulders and pulled me down so I was hunching over her. My face almost came in contact with her boobs and I pulled off her hands off me,before she could try anything else, and took a few steps back. She was wearing skin tight, very short, denim shorts and a see through white tank top. I could see her pink, lace bra and it was pushing her boobs up to her chin. It made me sick.
"Hey, Baby." She purred and scraped her claws down my chest. I growled and took a step back.
"What do you want, Rebecca?" She looked up at me and pouted, making her look like a fish or maybe a duck.
"I wanted to know why you were cheating on me!" She screeched. "I am your mate! You shouldn't be looking at other girls!" She cried and clung to me. I pushed her off gently and held her away from me.
"For the last time, I am not your mate. I found my mate a few days ago and she will be joining our pack tomorrow."

"That-that filthy rouge is your mate?" She asked with a disgusted tone. I growled loudly and she hung her head in submission.
"You will not speak of my mate or your future Luna like that." She looked up at me and smiled.
"Bye, Baby." She walked away. I signed in relief and looked around for my mate. She was no where in sight.

Malia's POV
Ever since I agreed to join the pack, everyone avoided me like the plague. I can't say that I'm not kinda of happy. They all kept their distance and I was all for it. Though, everyone acted different now, stranger even. I could feel their stares on me but when j met their gazes, they would turn away quickly.  Some would whisper to each other as I walked by. It all made me very self conscious.

I felt Orion's eyes follow me as I walked out from the woods. His sea green eyes sent a wave of tingles up my back. I panicked and tried to walk faster when I heard him starting to follow me. He was gaining on me but thankful, someone stopped him and I kept walking. I stopped and sat under a cedar tree. The smell reminded of him, reminded me that I was joining his pack tomorrow. I instantly couldn't breathe and my heart pounded in my ears.
Four strange men took me from my home. I was knocked out and woke up in an unfamiliar room. They forced me to shift and dragged me by the ear. They pinched my ear harder while they dragged my into the woods. We got to a big oak tree and they put a silver collar around my neck. I growled as it burned my skin and tried to fight back,they only tightened the collar further until I almost couldn't breath. I bit into one of their legs and shook my head, tearing further into the meaty appendage. The man yelled in pain and his blood filled my mouth. The other men surrounded me and one kicked my ribs. I yelped as he hit one of the ribs my father had just broke again. My grip loosened on the guys foot and he kicked me in the nose. Another knocked me over as he slammed me into the tree they chained me to. I whined in pain as the bones on the right side of my body made crunching and snapping noises. Then, they all started to attack me. They kicked and punched, poked and prodded at my broken bones. I snarled and tried to fight but there was no use. My body was weak compared to them and I was outnumbered. I slumped to the ground after they were don't with me. They spit on my mangled body and snickered.
"Welcome to your new pack, Bitch."
I cried. I hated crying, Alpha said it made you weak and Alphas shouldn't be weak. I couldn't help it though. I sat there for a little while but I forced myself to stop crying. I knew my eyes were red and puffy.
"Aw looky here." Blonde Bimbo cooed and fake pouted."Is da whittle rogue cwying 'cause da Alpha wikes me bwetter?" She asked in a baby voice. She got closer to me and pointed her clawed finger at me. "I told you he was mine." She sneered. "You are going to pay." She flipped her fake blonde hair over he shoulder and walked away. I locked myself in my room all night and all the next day. I didn't eat, and I couldn't sleep. I waited.

Blaire was the one who came to my room to retrieve me. She wasn't wearing anything fancy, just a t-shirt and jeans. That was good because I was not going to wear some stupid dress.

"You ready?" I nodded and followed her out. She lead me to an open field. Hundreds of eyes stared at me as I walked up to Alpha Orion.
Orion's POV
I smiled at Malia when she stood next to me. She was wearing black joggers and my black hoodie. It was big on her and it made me smile, she looked adorable.

(Instead of the sweater, it is a black hoodie

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(Instead of the sweater, it is a black hoodie.)
I cleared my throat.
"I know you guys know I have found my mate and are wondering who it is." I gestured towards my little mate. "This is Malia. She is my mate and your future Luna." It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. Then they started cheering. I smiled widely at them and put up my hands, they settled down. "I wanted to introduce her to the pack before she would join us. Does anyone wish to challenge her and her spot in this pack?" He asked, almost threatening anyone who wished to try.
Then, the blonde bimbo emerged from the crowd.
"I, Rebecca Moore, challenge Malia for her spot in this pack." She said, looking dead into my eyes.

"I accept your challenge."

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